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Singapore Finance Bloggers

I started this blog since 2010 and along the way witnessed many fellow finance bloggers leaving the scene one by one. Many of them started off very brightly but slowly faded off. Eventually they just gave up blogging all together, probably because of work or family commitments. Some of them were actually brilliant writers and I thought it was a loss to our local community when these bloggers stopped sharing their financial experiences online. Even though there are new finance bloggers coming on-board in blog aggregators like The or Singapore Investment Blogs, I hope this declining trend will not carry on, otherwise this unique group of bloggers would just disappear.

Yes, I used the term “unique” because there are not many Singapore blogs on personal finances. Most bloggers prefer to develop themes on food, lifestyle and politics but not personal finances. I suppose there are a few reasons to this. Firstly, it is easier to capture readership if you write articles on food, lifestyle and politics. These are common topics that attract large unique visitors. This is because Singaporeans like to eat and constantly look for interesting places to go, so naturally they tend to visit blogs for recommendations. They also like to visit political blogs and complain about government policies. Therefore, it can be a challenge for bloggers to capture the local audience if they want to create a successful finance blog.

Singapore finance blog
Secondly, writing an article on an investment product may land you in legal trouble if investors made a loss as a result of your online recommendation. This is especially so if you do not put up sufficient disclaimer in your blog. In view of the lurking danger of being sued by disgruntled investors, I think many bloggers do not dare to set up a finance blog and express their honest views freely on investment products. After all, you might even suffer a double whammy if the financial company decided to sue you for defamation.

There are a few finance bloggers who shared their personal investment holdings but chose to put up online monikers. This is because Singapore is still a conservative society and in general, we do not share our financial status with our friends or families. This is a sensitive topic that most Singaporeans refrain from sharing during outings or gatherings. So for those bloggers who share their expertise and experiences in their blogs, one of the common laments is the brick-bats they received from the public. Some of the negative comments were uncalled for.

Henceforth, given the lack of incentives for sharing their experiences online, and the potential backlash from Singapore readers, many finance bloggers had chosen to throw in the towel after a few years.

I have told myself that I would not give up this fight so easily and become another Singapore finance blogger who bites the dust. But then again, juggling work, family, social life and blogging is not easy. When you have so many commitments, time is always a privilege. And this is a privilege which I am not always entitled to. Nonetheless, I am still committed to be part of the Singapore blogging frontier that seeks to educate Singaporeans on personal finance. To this,  I am starting a project which will take up a portion of my time.

During my sabbatical, I will still publish articles from people who are keen to be my guest bloggers. I am still open to link building from fellow bloggers and welcome opportunities from companies who wish to advertise in my blog. The only thing is that during this sabbatical, I will not be writing my own articles. I hope to finish this project and implement it in my blog, SG Wealth Builder and benefit my readers. In the meantime, please feel free to subscribe to my articles through email subscription. It is easy – you just need to enter your email address at the side-bar column of this blog.

I hope that after this sabbatical,SG Wealth Builder will emerge stronger and more appealing to readers. I also hope that more finance bloggers will enter the scene and contribute to the local investment community.

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SG Wealth Builder

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