personal finance

Personal Finance Expert, Dennis Ng, passed away

I was shocked to learn that Dennis Ng has died suddenly of heart attack on 26th July. Dennis was well-known in Singapore to be a personal finance guru. He was the author of bestsellers, Mastering Your Personal Finance and What Your School Never Taught You About Money.

He was also the co-founder of, an independent mortgage consultancy portal. This article is dedicated specially to the man who have contributed greatly to personal finance literacy in Singapore.

I read from fellow bloggers in the investment community that he was someone who was willing to share his financial expertise and knowledge to novice investors. There are not many financial gurus, especially in Singapore’s context, who are willing to do so. Therefore, his demise is indeed a great loss to the investment community.

He is a role model of whom I aspire to be in the next 10 years. I don’t fancy myself as a guru, but it is my intention to share with my readers, my experience and lessons learned from investment mistakes. I hope that in the long run, I can reach the same level as Dennis Ng.

Thank you so much, Dennis Ng.Y

You shall be missed.

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One thought on “Personal Finance Expert, Dennis Ng, passed away

  • Dennis is only 43 years ago, but he has a heart defect, whereby only 20% of his heart is functioning. That is why, the sudden heart attack took away his life.

    He owns 3 companies,,, and TEP/TEF.

    He is an unselfish finance guru, who is always trying to educate the public, and help many of us layman. I’ve attended his workshop, and he is someone who teaches you how to fish, rather than give you the fish.

    RIP Dennis, and may your teaching and selfless sharing continues through others.

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