Self improvement

Robert Kiyosaki

In recent months, I have been receiving requests from media and event organizers looking to promote their events on my blog, SG Wealth Builder. One of them was an event organizer who wished to promote Robert Kiyosaki’s event “The Power of Financial Education” held at Singapore Expo, June 2012.

I was approached a couple of weeks before the event was due to take place and was at first a bit skeptical. I mean my blog, SG Wealth Builder, is not even a popular investment blog in Singapore, so why would the event company chose to promote their event in it? I told my wife about it and she also found it puzzling.

Robert Kiyosaki

Anyway, both the event company and me didn’t manage to work out a deal on time and so I missed the opportunity to promote Robert Kiyosaki’s event. On hindsight, I feel that it is a compliment that someone actually approached me to help them promote their events. Even though the deal didn’t go through, I feel honored that my blog, SG Wealth Builder, was considered by Robert Kiyosaki’s event company.

For the uninitiated, Robert Kiyoski is the famous author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, a motivational book on personal finance. I read his book more than 16 years ago when I was a teenager and I must say it really changed the way I viewed money, career and investment.

In fact, I would say Kiyosaki is a game changer in the industry as during that time, there were very few books that focus on personal finance and investing. He is a strong proponent of entrepreneurship, investing and financial literacy. One thing about this book is that it was written in very layman term and contains virtually no complex financial jargon.

When you read the book, you can actually feel that the author is reaching out to you. Furthermore, the content and theme is timeless and universal, so no matter which era or countries you belong to, the teachings will always be relevant for aspiring investors. If there is any investment book that I have to recommend to Singapore youth, it has to be this book. You would learn about key concepts like passive income, accumulating assets, cash flow and concept of financial freedom.

I know there are many people who challenged his teachings and questioned whether his “Rich Dad” and “Poor Dad” are real. To me, in principle, the Dads he depicted in his book are just analogy and readers should view it as fictitious. I mean who would actually remember so many of their fathers’ teachings? I cannot even most of what my father taught me when I was young!

What matters more for the readers are the key investment takeaways and the importance of financial literacy.

The above are just expression of my thoughts and feelings. It is meant for sharing and discussion. Robert Kiyosaki did not sponsor this article.

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SG Wealth Builder

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