Investment Resolutions
Firstly, I have decided to set aside a small amount of cash every month to invest in stocks. My objective is to beat the inflation that has been eroding the cash value in my bank account. In order to reduce the costs, I have decided to purchase stock through POEMS online rather than call up my broker.
Secondly, I have decided to shift my focus from value stocks to defensive stocks that pay dividends regularly. Defensive companies are those whose future earnings are able to withstand and economic downturn. Typically, they would have relatively low business and financial risks. Examples are Suntec Reit and Singtel.
I believe 2011 would be a boom year for Singapore’s stock market. Given the tight labour market and increasing business revenues, this year could well be a good year for employees and investors. Hope that investors make money from their investments. Have you made your investment resolutions?
Magically yours,
SG Wealth Builder