Author: sgwealthbuilder


The best time to buy gold

The best time to buy gold is not always so straight-forward.. No matter what assets you invested in, the only way to make money and become rich is to adopt a contrarian approach. Most investors understand the investment principle of “buy low and sell high” but when it comes to practice, most people will refrain from taking a position that opposes the majority. This trend is similar for any form of investments – property, equities, currencies and precious metals.

Currently the Wall Street’s Dow Jones is at a historic high of 16,200 points, recording a stock market bull run that stretched from 2009’s 6500 points. This represented an incredible 250% jump within 4 years for the United States’ stock market. A sensible investor would have refrained from investing in the stock market, given the bubbly state. Conversely, gold’s performance has been dismal this year.

According to BullionStar, gold prices have plunged more than 30% since the start of 2013. This puts gold in its first bear market after 12 consecutive bull market years. In my opinion, gold prices could slide further, reaching USD900 per ounce. On the surface, this may seem like an ominous news to gold investors, especially for those who had invested in paper gold, such as ETF and mining stocks.
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Career managementsalaries

$3000 income is the new benchmark in Singapore?

Recently, both my wife and myself visited the new Bedok Mall developed by CapitaMalls Asia. We were quite impressed because it is the first full-fledged shopping mall in Bedok. The mall houses over 200 shops across three floors and net lettable area of 220,000 square feet, offering everyday essentials, lifestyle and fashion. The only major disappointment is the lack of cinema.

Anyway, back to the topic on income. We walked past EC House Express Cut and saw the job advertisement for a hairdresser. The advertisement stated the salary of $3000. It was not stated that the position required experienced applicants nor did it state for the preference of Singaporeans or foreign applicants. But I was quite surprised that a hairdresser in Singapore can command such high salary nowadays. After all, when I graduated in 2005, my starting salary was only $2600. So it seems to me that the salary gap between a skilled labor and white collar graduate is closing up rapidly in Singapore. The question now is: are Singapore workforce overpaid or is it a case of high inflation? In today’s context, can a degree really provide good income or open the door to opportunities?

I recall not too long ago, Sakae Sushi offered $3000 for a dishwasher.

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Gold; currency

Tapering QE is a sideshow and the road ahead is inflationary

In my interaction with local finance bloggers, I was surprised that many of them confessed that they didn’t know anything about gold bullion. In recent years, there were also a lot of negative reports of Singaporeans fallen prey to gold scams and frauds, losing millions of dollars in the process. With this in mind, SG Wealth Builder partners with BullionStar to educate Singaporean about the precious metal and the fundamental behind it. This article is extracted with permission from BullionStar, a Singapore online bullion company where you can buy gold and silver at competitive prices.

The word ‘taper’ has never gotten so much attention than in 2013 when it was used to describe the gradual tightening of the money printing spigot of the Quantitative Easing (QE) program. It started in March when the Federal Reserve said that they will reduce the QE bond purchases if economic indicators improve.

In April, a number of top Federal Reserve officials fed the media with more taper talk. St Louis Fed Bank president James Bullard said that he favoured “trimming” the QE program in $10-$15 billion increments if the economy improves. Then John Williams, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, said that if there was substantial improvement in the labour market, the Federal Reserve “could end the purchase program sometime late this year”.

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Property investment; Singapore market; private housing prices

More HDB flats sold below valuation

According to an article by Property Guru, 105 HDB flats were sold below valuation in October. Based on HDB data, this trend is significantly down from the average monthly 0.3% for H1 2013 and reflected the number of flats sold below valuation increased four times in October compared to the first half of 2013. This phenomenon indicated a weakening demand caused by the “twin attacks” of stricter home loan rules and massive new flats construction programme announced by HDB in recent years. So should property investors press the panic items and run for their lives?

As written in my previous article, the cooling measure will not change market sentiment. Throughout history, the best form of cooling measure had always been a recession.

SG Wealth Builder
During recession, there would be widespread retrenchment by companies and it is only when people lost their jobs and lost money in stock investments, then they would be forced to sell their investment properties at cut throat prices. When this occurred, the market will correct itself and bring down property prices.

So I foresee that property prices will stabilize for the next two to three years, baring any form of recession taking place in Singapore. However, I don’t think that premium over valuation, commonly known as “cash over valuation (COV)” will enjoy its heady days.

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Insurance coverage; medical shield; financial planning; personal finance


Insurance should always feature in every investor’s financial planning. In fact, before you even attempt to make any form of investment in equities or gold, make sure you are adequately covered, in terms of unforeseen hefty medical expenses.
Because of my late father’s health condition, I started buying life insurances and protect my wealth with enhanced hospital shield plan. I see it as a form of responsibility to my family because I don’t want to be a financial burden to them when I am old and ill. I also urged my friends and blog readers to buy insurance policies when they are young and healthy. This is important because if you procrastinate, chances are, the insurers will likely to reject your application if you are not in the best of your health.
Lately, I chanced upon a fellow blogger, Lee Chin Wai’s article on his health condition and medical insurance. His article set me thinking whether I had really plan for the unexpected. In his article, he related how he has encountered unforeseen risk in his medical insurance. He had bought a private “as-charged” Medishield Plan B but did not buy any riders for deductible or co-insurance potions. In recent years, because of his poor health, he went to seek consultant at a private specialist and unwittingly “exposed him to the risk of being warded in a private hospital”.
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personal finance


When it comes to personal finance, budgeting is an important element. Yet I observed that many young Singaporean working adults fail to understand the importance of budgeting and how to practice it in an effective manner.

This is not surprising as most students were not taught about how to manage money in schools and at home, most parents also seldom discuss household budgets with their children. As Asian, we also find it taboo to talk about money issues during social meetings. All these factors reinforce the notion that budgeting is not relevant to successful personal finance, which is totally untrue.

Many people thought that budgeting is all about counting beans and tracking your daily expenses. But I beg to differ. Sure, there are means and various mobile apps designed to track your daily expenses but I find that managing personal finance at such micro-level would take the kick out of living a meaningful life.


Just imaging this: having to think twice about buying or treating your good pal that cuppa of Starbuck coffee. Or how about skipping a close colleague just to save that ang pow money? Money is important but we should not let it rules our lives and stresses us out.

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Investment; SGX stocks; Yongnam; Stock trading

Herd investing

When it comes to stock investments, it is difficult to make money if you adopted a herd investing mentality. A few months ago, a friend of mine sent me a text to  recommend investing in one of the local stocks, Yongnam. In his texts, he kept praising how good the company was, citing the various exciting business prospects and developments.
I did not solicit for his views on any stock investments before, so I was quite surprised that he tried to induce me to invest in this counter. Furthermore, I am not the sort of person who is easily influenced by others when it comes to stock investment and normally I would do my own research before investing in any counters.
stock market

So I chided him for trying to induce me to invest in Yongnam. Of course he denied flatly and vehemently defended that he was just sharing good stuff. I gave him the benefit of my doubts since he is my good friend, nonetheless, I did not invest in Yongnam.

One of the most common mistakes made by new Singapore investors is the tendency to adopt a herd mentality. Tempted to make quick profits, many novice or inexperienced investors enter the stock market and rely solely on rumors and tips from friends or brokers.

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Property investment; Singapore market; private housing prices; imoney

Property market outlook for Singapore

The following article is a guest posting by iMoney (Intelligent Money), which was founded in Malaysia in April 2012 and started out with a team of three. It took 14 days to get from an idea to a fully functional website. The company’s vision was (and still is) to simplify financial matters for consumers, thus helping them make better decision.
Property prices in Singapore are among the highest globally. This market has always been a demand driven one. That is because Singapore is a commercial hub, connecting the whole of Asia with rest of the world. The country attracts business people, professionals and executives from across the world. As a result, demand for both office space and housing have persisted over time.  


Apartment prices are on the raise
Apartment prices of Singapore’s core central region including Orchard Road district increased by 49% and prices in the suburbs that are popular with middle-class people increased by 70% since the end of the global financial crisis in 2009. According to a Channel NewsAsia research, household debt was 77.2% of the gross domestic product at the end of March 2013. It was just 64.4% in 2007. But the property prices grew by 120% in the same period.
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Personal finance; saving accounts; bonuses; financial planning

Year-end bonuses

It is that time of the year when employees look forward to collecting their year-end bonuses. Last week, the government declared the 13th month and 1.1 month annual variable bonuses for all civil servants.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry has forecast Singapore’s economic growth to be about 3.5% – 4% for 2013. Growth is expected to be supported by externally-oriented sectors such as manufacturing and wholesale trade, in line with the slight pickup in the global economy, as well as domestically-oriented sectors like construction and business services which are expected to remain resilient.
With the world economy still in unstable mode, I believe most Singapore workers’ year end bonuses would be modest, in view of the moderated growth for Singapore economy.
This will be the 8th time I am collecting year-end bonuses. In my previous blog entry last year, I made a resolution last year to purchase an endowment plan for my baby daughter. This is to plan for her future tertiary education expenses. Hence, we bought an endowment plan in July.
For this year, I am setting aside some of the bonuses for next January’s Chinese New Year. I budgeted about $2500 to 3000 for the overall Chinese New Year expenses, which include red packets monies, new year clothing for my family and other miscellaneous expenses.
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Investing insights

Some people said that investing is all about timing, some said it boils down to luck. To me, investing is half science and half art. Sometimes you can analysis as much as possible on a particular stock but when the market suddenly crashes, all your profits and capital will be gone. That’s the hard reality.
Therefore, successful investing also requires the right skill to make critical judgement call and look at things from the big picture. To be a winner, you must remain calm in the face of market swings, and be prepared to go against the crowd. That will not be easy, and not many people, including myself, can achieve that. But if you are able to do so, the rewards can be substantial.
The difficulty of assessing a company lies in the qualitative analysis. This is because it is not easy for investors to come up with the intrinsic value of the business, especially for those novice ones. I have seen many Singaporean finance bloggers making investments in local stocks based solely on NAV or P/E. Some of them also invested in Reits or ETFs, with investment criteria based solely on potential dividend yields. These are very narrow measures to gauge a company and may not reflect accurately the value of a stock.
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personal finance

When to Use a Credit Card and Not Cash

Many people still pay for goods and services with cash and this is perfectly fine. Cash transactions are quick especially when you’re only buying a few items at the grocery store or convenience store. Using cash also lets buyers and merchants avoid fees associated with using a credit card. However, credit card issuersoffer their customers many benefits that could make it wiser to swipe your card the next time you pay for something.

Rewards, Rewards, and More Rewards

Rewards and bonuses are one of the main features of credit cards. Retailers that offer their own credit cards have a lot of promos for their customers as a way to gain loyal customers. Retailers such as gas stations and specialty stores promise their customers rebates and special discounts when customers use the store’s special credit cards. Some petrol stations in Malaysia for example, give 8% rebate on gas purchases with store-branded credit cards. It’s best to study your expenses and see whether your favourite store offers their own credit card. You could be saving a lot by using their credit card or at least earn more reward points. This is especially true for frequent flyers who want to earn more air miles by swiping their credit cards.
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Gold; currency

BullionStar: China’s physical gold demand continues to be strong

This article is extracted from BullionStar, a Singapore online bullion company where you can buy gold and silver at competitive prices.

Numbers for China’s gold imports from Hong Kong for the month of September is out. Net gold imports from Hong Kong were 109.4 metric tons. This was slighly lower than the import figures in August.

Nevertheless, these are very strong numbers showing China’s high demand for physical gold. It marks the fifth consecutive month that gold import numbers are in excess of 100 metric tons. In the first 9 months of 2013, China has imported an estimated 832 metric tons of gold. The Chinese are already the No. 1 gold mining nation today and they are enroute to become the No. 1 buyer of gold this year.

Such strong gold import numbers continue to support the view that China is accumulating her gold reserves. This is in line with China’s intention to prepare for the on-going efforts to internationalise the renminbi and reduce potential currency exchange risks of using the US dollar.

In today’s fiat currency dominated world, it is easy to lose sight of the true value of gold when it is relegated to being a commodity traded with other commodities (such as corn, cattle or copper) on the futures market.

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Gold or Equities?

Recent market swings for penny stocks would make investors pause and rethink their approach on equities. Quite a number of investors lost their savings investing in risky penny counters. Some retirees even lost a huge chunk of their retirement funds. So the question for most investors is gold or equities?

Whilst I certainly won’t dispute the pros on investing in equities, I do believe in having a portfolio consisting of several investment instruments. And I believe that every investors should hold bullion in their investment portfolio. This is because gold prices often move in opposite direction to equities and currencies. So allocating gold in your portfolio can help to serve as a form of hedge against inflation and enhance your portfolio’s performance.

Gold and Silver Bullion

Investors should hold a long-term view on gold investments and not expect quick returns. They should consider it as a form of diversification to lower risk for their investment portfolio. Very often, I read articles from many writers in The sharing their investment experiences. Many of them pumped in hundred of thousands of dollars on shares, REITs and ETF. Their investment performances were impressive indeed but if the stock market plunged suddenly, large portions of their investment values would be wiped off overnight.

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Money management; personal finance; relationship

Lending money

Lending money is always a sensitive topic for all. Last month, I completed my two weeks of National Service reservist training. I met the bunk mate who tried to borrow money from me several times. Initially, it was a bit awkward for both of us as I had refused to lending money to him. But after a while, after realizing that he did not have any ill feeling towards me, I had a good chat with him.
I found out that he left his previous contract job and was jobless for almost half a year. He tried to look for office jobs but to no avail. He holds a N-Level certificate and his previous job skill was obsoleted. My advice to him was to take on part-time jobs, working either as shop assistant or cashier. At least that would bring food to the table and allowed him to sustain day-to-day activities.
Singapore Finance Blogger

But to my surprise, he declined my suggestion because he wanted to be focused in looking for a permanent office job. At the back of mind, I thought that since he already had money problems and had no income, it was financial suicide to carry on like this. The more he dragged, the harder it would be difficult for him to find a job.

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Book review; investment

The Warren Buffett Way (New Third Edition)

Over one million copies sold in cloth and paper formats of the two previous editions, a New York Times bestselling book, The Warren Buffett Way, is now completely revised to cater for the new generation of investors. With additional chapters on the important distinctions between investment and trading; and the examination of Buffett’s most successful disciples, the third edition focuses on the timeless principles and strategies behind Buffett’s extraordinary investment success. 

The Warren Buffett Way, + Website, 3rd Edition is bundled with a companion website,, an interactive resource which offers an array of information to facilitate investors with putting Buffett’s approach in practice. It also comes with two supplemental materials which are a workbook, The Warren Buffett Way Workbook, and software, The Warren Buffett Video Course; each sold separately.

Author Robert G. Hagstrom’s authoritative and detailed interpretation of Buffett’s investment methods in The Warren Buffett Way, + Website, 3rd Edition provides essential insights into the psychological challenges of managing a Warren Buffett portfolio as well as the role of patience in long-term investing.

The suggested retail price of the The Warren Buffett Way, + Website, 3rd Edition (hardcover) is US$29.95; e-book (oBook, ePub, Adobe PDF and MobiPocket) is US$19.99; and The Warren Buffett Way Workbook and The Warren Buffett Video Course are priced at US$39.95 respectively.
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Self improvement


Recently, I watched a video clip in YouTube featuring one of Singapore best known local celebrities, Lee Nanxing, who related his journey of conversion to Christianity after struggling with gambling problem. He recounted that when he reached his career pinnacle in the nineties, he unwittingly offended the Mediacorp top management and was being “frozen” by the media company for almost two years.

During that low period, Lee Nanxing was still paid his salary but he was constantly worried about his future as an artiste. As a result, he decided to venture into business and opened a pub with a few partners. Business suffered due to mismanagement and also because Lee Nanxing was too busy with a few projects in China. When he returned to Singapore, he was shocked to find the company in a financial mess. As he was the major shareholder, all the creditors pestered him for settlement.


Saddled with huge debts, Lee Nanxing tried to salvage his company unsuccessfully. Eventually, he decided to try his luck at gambling but that turned out to be one of the most fatal mistakes that he made in his life. He thought that with his few tricks that he picked up in the popular drama “The Unbeatables”, he could make quick money and paid off the company debts.

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Blumont Group

The recent trading halt of Blumont Group had raised a number of eyebrow among Singaporean investors. Many local investors thought that investing in the stock market is akin to gambling, which is untrue. When it comes to investment, many Singaporeans don’t even know the difference between risk and uncertainty. In salient, risk in stock investments can be managed through the proper technique.
However, when it comes to gambling, you will not be able to predict the outcome and win consistently. Because of the lack of knowledge and self-awareness, most wealth builders tend to speculate in the stock market, resulting in the tip based investment culture in Singapore. The recent case of SGX suspending the trading of Blumont Group vindicated my thoughts.
stock market
Blumont Group, which was previously involved in the packaging, property and investment sectors, started investing last year in a number of companies in sectors such as iron ore, coal, gold, uranium and copper. On 4 Oct, Blumont was one of three companies suspended by the Singapore Exchange after their share prices plummeted by 40 to 60%. A Singapore broking house had also recently declared its shares as “designated securities.” That means investors cannot short-sell them, and purchases via the broking house must be paid for upfront with cash.
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Career management

Optimizing energy levels

Whether you are a full-time investor, entrepreneur or employee, there are bound to be times when you suffer from some off-days which inevitably affects your productivity. This is perfectly normal as we are human beings and not robots that are built with high level of performance reliability. However, successful people tend to have a knack of optimizing their energy levels for better performance.

In today’s context, being hardworking is not enough to be considered a high performer in the workplace. You need to work smart and not just work hard. To be successful, it is important to harness your energy levels, which can vary across different age groups, environments and personalities. In my opinion, it is possible to manage and optimize our energy levels to bring out the best for work performance. To achieve this, one needs to adopt good habits and internalize them into daily life routine.

Energy levels

For example a professional top currency trader based in Singapore would devise a strategy of monitoring closely the international currency movements he is vested in. To do so, he would have to be disciplined in his daily activities because he couldn’t afford to let slip any unexpected major market fluctuations which may destroy his wealth.

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Blog updates

Re-inventing my blog, SG Wealth Builder

Yesterday, I made the critical decision to register my blog domain name and got rid of “” from the blog’s domain name. The name of this blog was also changed to SG Wealth Builder. The name change means that I have to re-establish my page ranking in various search engines. It is indeed painful to start all over again but I suppose the only constant in life is change!

As a blogger, I am always challenging myself to improve my blog’s quality and content. Over the years, my blog has evolved from sharing of investment and entrepreneurial ideas to a portal of wealth building opportunities, providing wealth building information to readers. Along the way, I felt that the former blog title does not reflect the current activities in this blog. Therefore, the re-branding of this blog.

SG Wealth Builder
There are many people who think that they can make a living from blogging full time. In reality, this is very difficult to achieve. Indeed, you probably can make a few hundreds or thousands here and there from affiliate marketing or sponsorships. But in most months, there might be little or even no income at all. Over the years, I have seen so many local bloggers fizzled out from the scene after only a few months.
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SATS Ltd: Stable Dividend Stock from Singapore

Below is an article from guest blogger, Richard who works as a stock analyst and has 3 years of experience in the stock market. He likes to write articles and hope to share his experiences with investors in Singapore If you would like additional SGX Dividend Stocks data, information or screening tools, please visit website, a leading source for in-depth research and analysis for stock investments.
SG Web Reviews does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential losses or damages that may arise from the use of information or opinions in this article. The information and opinions in this publication are not to be considered as an offer to sell or buy any of the securities discussed. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice.The economy of Singapore has experienced rapid economic development since independence in 1965. Its strong economic performance reflects the success of its open and outward-oriented development strategy. The importance of services to the Singapore economy also grew, as evidenced by the increasing share of the financial and business sectors of the economy. In this article I am sharing about one of the best Singapore dividend stocks which will give you good returns.
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Gold; portfolio management

Take advange of gold price’s correction!

Physical gold and silver buyers are once again treated with a surprise selloff in the gold and silver paper markets. Amidst high demand for physical bullion, especially in Asia, paper markets still set the price for real physical precious metals. At BullionStar, gold price and the price for physical precious metals are expected to decouple from each other eventually as physical demand continues to increase.

While western speculators are selling off paper gold, physical demand for gold is rising rapidly. In the World Gold Council’s Q2 report, demand for bullion and jewellery increased a whopping 53 % in the second quarter of 2013 compared to one year ago.

To put things into perspective, gold price has been on a bullish run for the past 10 years. The current correction should be seen as a healthy sign as the bull cycle for gold price comes to an end. Wealth builders should seize this opportunity to accumulate more physical gold as the gold price experience a soft landing.

Singapore is viewed by many international investors as the best place to buy and store gold because of its low crime rate and strong jurisdiction laws. However, low crime does not mean no crime.

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Money management; personal finance; relationship

Family Wealth Management: Seven Imperatives for Successful Investing in the New World Order

Singapore, October 3, 2013 – Mr. Mark Haynes Daniell is the founder and chairman of the Raffles Family Wealth Trust, a Singapore-based strategic advisory boutique focused on strategies for wealthy families and their investments, transactions, and businesses. He is also the founder and chairman of his own family office in Singapore.

Mr. Daniell is a former senior partner at Bain & Company, director of Wasserstein Perella, and president of k1 Ventures, a strategic investment company publicly listed in Singapore. He created and chaired the Private Wealth Management Initiative as part of the Singapore government’s Economic Review Committee in 2002. He is a director of various listed and private companies, including Olam International, Tiryaki Agro, Aquarius Investment Advisors Pte Ltd. (vice chairman), Sacoven PLC (chairman), and a cofounder of Capital Partners of Georgia.

His new book, Family Wealth Management: Seven Imperatives for Successful Investing in the New World Order (coauthored with Tom McCullough; John Wiley & Sons, August 2013), is a comprehensive guide to family wealth management which integrates all aspects of family and financial wealth strategy, from family vision and philosophy of wealth through asset structuring to serve multiple purposes, addressing state of the art asset allocation models, traditional and alternative assets, specific approaches to management of wealth in turbulent times, the integration of a family business into wealth management plans, careful monitoring of performance against internal goals and external benchmarks, and ending with a long term plan to engage and educate the family to ensure a positive environment is created for the current–and future–management of family wealth.

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Investing: Why you should start young

The following is an article on investing by guest blogger, Neo Pok Chow, a 21 year old Singaporean trader and is the creator of If you want to have a better financial future, you’re welcome to learn about investing for free on his site.
Young people are often unaware or even clueless about their finances or money matters. Their school doesn’t teach them how to invest. Their parents don’t teach it either. Their peers have no clue. So to be fair, how are they suppose to know about it? This is actually a worrying sign. Ignorance, in this case, is not bliss. Ignoring your finance is foolish.
Young people need to realize that their age and time they have is their biggest attribute. They’re young and they enjoy their life hanging out and playing all around while being shielded by their parents. They fund their expenses using their pocket money and the occasional part time job during holidays. Life is good! They’re having fun! Why should they care?
stock investing
I’m not saying that young people should not have fun. I’m just saying that it is good to start learning about finance and investing from a young age as it is beneficial down the road.
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Sheng Siong Group

One of my favorite stocks which I am tracking is Sheng Siong Group, a supermarket chain in Singapore. The supermarket industry in Singapore is very competitive, with several big players like NTUC Fairprice and Giant. But Sheng Siong manages to stay very profitable for the past few years and overcome the challenges in the business environment such as increasing inflationary pressures and foreign labour restrictions.
Supermarket is considered a recession proof industry, after all, whether its good or bad economies, retailers still need to buy household groceries. Management of Sheng Siong Group should remain prudent in its expansion plans and consider making more of its outlets 24 hours operations so as to increase revenue.
Stock investing
With effect from 1 Oct 2013, 10 more outlets will also serve customers 24 hours daily. These outlets are located at:1. Bedok Central 209: BLK 209 New Upper Changi Rd #01-631/#02-631
2. Bedok North 115: BLK 115 Bedok North Road #01-319 Singapore 460115
3. Bedok North 539A: BLK 539A Bedok North St 3 #01-477 Singapore 461539
4. Chin Swee 52: BLK 52 Chin Swee Rd #01-25 Singapore 160052
5. Clementi 352: BLK 352 Clementi Ave 2 #01-91/99 Singapore 120352
6. Clementi 720: BLK 720 Clementi West St 2 #01-144 Singapore 120720
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Haw Par Corp

I was reading one of the articles posted in on Haw Par Corp and decided that its timely to provide an update on the company’s performance in Q2 2013. As mentioned in my article in June, Haw Par Corp is a financially strong company. In terms of asset value, it is currently trading at estimate 31% discount. As of 1 Oct 2013, the net asset value is $10.73 but it share price is only $7.40! This is definitely a value stock with good business fundamentals.

Many Singaporeans can probably relate Haw Par Corp as the manufacturer of the famous Tiger Balm but how many investors know that it also owns the famous Underwater World at Sentosa? I like this company because it had been consistently giving out dividends for the past 20 years. The company is cash rich, is financially strong and is trading at below net asset value. However, this counter has risen in value so much for the past two years that it is beyond my entry price, which is $4.00. Looks like I have to wait until the next stock market crash to load up this overlooked stock in SGX.

Stock investing

The original business of manufacturing and distributing through Southeast Asia pharmaceuticals under the Tiger Brand names, the best known of which is ‘Tiger Balm’, was founded at the turn of the century.

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My Investment Portfolio

For the past two years, I have been doing research on local stock market and is now in the midst of constructing an investment portfolio consisting of stocks and bullion.
I had stayed out of the stock market since 2010 because I just don’t see any value in the market for the past three years. Many counters with good business fundamentals are, in my opinion, overvalued. Under this bullish climax, I had resisted the temptation to invest many times because of the lack of margin of safety in many of the local stocks.
As the saying goes, you stand a higher chance identifying value stocks during bear market as compared to a bull market.

Singapore economy

Notwithstanding the bullish market, I decided to compile a list of stocks which I would invest in during crisis times. They would become part of my investment portfolio. These are companies with strong cash flow, sustainable revenue and easy-to-understand businesses. Essentially, these are companies which will still be around 10, 20 and 30 years down the road. I am still doing research and will reveal the companies in due time. Nonetheless, I noted that three of the companies (Genting Singapore, Capitaland and Noble Group) are listed in the STI Index.

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Gold; currency

Investing in Gold

The sky is falling for India’s rupee, which has fallen 20.1% since the start of this year. The currency has slumped the most in two decades to a record low in the wake of government’s economic mismanagement and failure to tackle deteriorating infrastructure. The frightening slide in the currency has conversely led to a incredible hike in demand for gold in India. According to the World Gold Council, in the first half of 2013, India accounted for a staggering 28% of global consumer demand. The 566.5 tonnes of gold bought by Indians way surpassed Americans’ 83.4 tonnes purchased.
The reason why Indians crave for gold is because consumers buy the yellow metal for auspicious reason during their wedding and festival season, which will start in November and last till January. It is estimated that Indian household currently hold 31,000 tonnes of gold worth a massive USD$1.3 trillion at USD$1400 per ounce. In order to reduce its trade deficit, Indian government has been trying hard to curb gold imports by hiking the metal’s import taxes.
gold bullion
Import duties were raised to 6% in late January and then 8% in early June and then subsequently 10% in August. The same tax is also applicable to silver and platinum to fight substitution.
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Investment; SGX stocks; Equities; Stock trading

SGX Stock with Favorable Yield

Below is an article from guest blogger, Richard who works as a stock analyst and has 3 years of experience in the stock market. He likes to write articles and hope to share his experiences with investors in Singapore If you would like additional SGX Dividend Stocks data, information or screening tools, please visit website, a leading source for in-depth research and analysis for stock investments.

SG Wealth Builder does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential losses or damages that may arise from the use of information or opinions in this article. The information and opinions in this publication are not to be considered as an offer to sell or buy any of the securities discussed. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice.
Singapore is a well-known country for integrity, reliability, quality, productivity, rule of law, and enforcement of intellectual property rights. These things are crucial in the knowledge economy. The country is also a good place for foreign investments. It is a one-stop agency which facilitates and supports local and foreign investors in both manufacturing and services sectors, as they move up the value chain to achieve higher sustainable returns and seek out new business opportunities.

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Investment Outlook for Boustead Singapore

Boustead Singapore has risen by 45% for the past 12 months. The P/E and P/Cash flow ratio are estimated by S&P Capital to be 12 and 10.8 respectively. These metrics suggested that the stock is currently expensive. The good thing is that net gearing remains at 0%.

Although this counter seems overvalued, fundamental business prospect still looks good. Boustead Singapore is a global engineering specialist in energy, water infrastructure, industrial real estate and geo-spatial solutions.

The main driver for the business is the real estate division, which contribute 24% to its top line in Q1FY14 to SGD101.2 million. Oil and gas division is the second main contributor, reporting revenue growth of 38% year-to-year. Water infrastructure and geo-spatial technology were the weaker divisions, reporting negative revenue growth of 25% and 14% respectively.

Stock investing

I like Boustead because it is financially strong with net current assets of $150 million. The company has consistently paid out dividends to shareholders for the last ten years and it is well-managed with sound corporate strategies. Although Boustead has no formal dividend policy, it has a tradition of paying dividends linked to long-term net profit growth.  Boustead has achieved respectable growth in dividends over the past ten years, with a compounded annual growth rate of 21% over that period.

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SGX Stock: Offering Attractive Yield

Below is an article from guest blogger, Richard who works as a stock analyst and has 3 years of experience in the stock market. He likes to write articles and hope to share his experiences with investors in Singapore If you would like additional SGX Dividend Stocks data, information or screening tools, please visit website, a leading source for in-depth research and analysis for stock investments. 
The economy of Singapore is mainly supported by the activities in the manufacturing and services sectors. The manufacturing activities account for about a fifth of the country’s overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the services sectors contribute approximately two-thirds of GDP. The country is actively promoting the growth of the quaternary sector of its economy i.e. the knowledge-based part. I am sharing about one of the Singapore Dividends which will make profit for investors who are seeking to invest in SGX stocks.
Singapore Press Holdings Limited (SPH) Profile
Singapore Press Holdings Limited is a media organization in Singapore with businesses in print, Internet and new media, television and radio, outdoor media and property. It is engaged in publishing, printing and distribution of newspapers, distribution of magazines and books, providing services of multimedia content, holding shares in subsidiaries, holding investments and providing management services to subsidiaries.
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