
OCBC share price in supersonic boom!

Lifetime Membership Boom! OCBC share price turns on the style to hit a five-month high! The bullish form of OCBC share price comes at a time when the bank is about to release its full year financial result for FY2021. The red-hot form of OCBC share price also coincides with the recovery of Singapore’ economy, which grew 7.2% in 2021. Talk about being at the right time and right place!

Based on the past five years’ trend, OCBC share price would always start to rise in February and then peak in May. Following that OCBC share price would fall and then start to rise again and then peak in August. The cycle would keep on repeating based on data of past few years. The reason could be due to investors selling the shares after ex-dividend. Therefore, January could be the perfect window for investors to enter this counter.

OCBC share price

Take for example, OCBC share price surged from $12.20 in February 2018 to hit a high of $13.65 in May 2018. Subsequently, the counter nose-dived to a low of $11.25 in July 2018 before recovering to $11.80 in August 2018. Thereafter, the stock plunged to $10.40 in October 2018. The pattern would continue in the subsequent years. 2020 was an exception due to the onset of pandemic.

The correction of OCBC share price in May 2018 was probably also attributed to the implementation of the additional property cooling measures – implementation of the 12% Additional Buyer Stamp Duty (ABSD) and tightening of Loan-to-Value (LTV) limit by 5%. Back then, the cooling measures impacted the home loan market, causing local banks to suffer collateral damage. Not surprisingly, the share prices of all three local banks got bombed out during that period.

The new property cooling measures unleashed in December 2021 did not affect OCBC share price because the tightening of LTV limit is for HDB housing loans. The revised LTV limit does not apply to loans granted by financial institutions, for which the LTV limit remains at 75%. Due to this, OCBC’s housing loan portfolio should not be affected. Against this backdrop, OCBC share price went on the rampage and rocketed 10% since 20 December 2021.

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Note that this is an opinion article and not meant to be a financial advice. Please do your due diligence or engage financial advisors before investing in the stock market. I am vested in this counter, so my views on OCBC share price may be biased.

OCBC share price on fire

With inflation raging to a high in United States, the Federal Reserves have recently signalled that the upcoming interest rate hike could come as early as March. On top of that, there could be at least three rate hikes in this year. An interest rate increase would benefit Singapore banks as their net interest income would swell. For this reason, OCBC share price went [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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