personal finance

Three important money advice from Jesus Christ

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In this article, I will share my insights on three important money advice. The story is written from the perspective of Christianity but I have adapted the story to re-frame it from the angle of wealth building. Note that I am not a Christian and this is definitely not an article meant to spread Christianity. Instead, I believe that readers can benefit very much from this sharing in the course of their financial journey.

In life, we will always receive money advice from well-meaning friends and relatives. Yet, very often, it is only those simple money advice that really withstand the test of time. As a matter of fact, the three money advice contained in this article served me rather well in my financial journey. Thus, I am sharing this article with readers.

money advice

The long journey

Once upon a time, there was a poor young man named David who just got married. The couple lived in a small farm. David wanted a better life for his wife and decided to venture out to find a better job. Before he left, he said to his wife,

“Dear, I will go and find a job that pays well so that both of us can have a better life. I am not sure how long I will be away but all I ask of you is to stay faithful and wait for my return.” The wife promised to do so.

And so, he left. David walked for many days until he met a farmer in need of help. The young man offered his services and was immediately given a job. However, David requested the following,

“Sir, I will work for you as long as possible but when I decided to return home, please do release me. In addition, please save up all my salaries until the day I decided to go. When I decided to go, please return me all the money.” The farmer agreed to David’s conditions and let him worked at his farm.

Since then, David worked really hard without taking any holidays. Finally, after twenty long years, he decided to return home to retire comfortably with his wife. He went to his boss and said, “Boss, I have decided to return home. Please return all my savings.” To this end, the boss calmly replied,

“David, you have worked hard for me for twenty long years. Indeed, you deserve to have a good rest and I appreciated your contributions. Of course, I remember our deal twenty years ago and will obviously honor it. But I will like to make a new offer to you. Option one: is I will return all your savings to you and you can return home immediately. The second option: is I will not return your money. Instead, I will offer you three money advice and you can return home immediately. You can only choose one out of the two choices. Think over my proposal carefully and let me know your decision.”

David thought hard over his boss’ proposal. Eventually, he made his decision and told his boss, “I want [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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6 thoughts on “Three important money advice from Jesus Christ

  • Interesting story! Thanks

  • Hi Mr Leong,

    Thank you for your comment. Glad you found the article useful.


  • Thank you for the advice.

  • I enjoyed this post too! Thanks!

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