Money management; personal finance; Investment

Grow Your Best and Most Important Asset – Personal Financial Investment Seminar

Investors who are into shares investments would say that stocks are the best assets in the world. Bullion investors would claim that gold is man’s most valuable asset. Real estate investors would argue that property is the most important asset we should possess in our life time. In my opinion, they are all wrong. The best and most important asset is your knowledge. Your analytical power and decision making abilities would shape your financial destiny and dictate whether you would be a rich or poor man.To make money from your investments, you must first and foremost cultivate learning and reading habits. Knowledge is key to understanding how the market works and having a strong foundation would help you navigate through the fierce financial storms. This blog was started in 2010, primarily to share entrepreneur, investment and money making ideas. I was inspired by ex-NTUC Income CEO, Mr Tan Kin Lian’s blog and hope I can make a difference to the society like what Mr Tan did in his blog, which focused mainly on issues related to insurance. Many Singaporeans had written to him to consult him on issues related to insurance.

Indeed, my blog has not achieved the kind of success enjoyed by Mr Tan, but I like to view this as a project still very much “work-in-progress”. For the past four years, my blog has attracted more than 30 vendors from local and various countries like USA, UK, Australia, South Africa, Russia and Hong Kong. But I did not take up some of the advertising opportunities, like those promoting online gambling or casinos because there are certain code that I have set for myself. As a matter of personal policy, I do not promote gambling, violence or sexual contents. In addition, this is a non-political and non-religious blog, even though occasionally, I do touch on some social issues in Singapore.

Those who advertised in my blog believe in my abilities and either share the same passion or vision as me. This is the reason why I do not have a hard and fast rule on the advertising rates. But nonetheless, I had also declined a number of advertising requests from people who tried to take advantage of me and expected “free lunches” from me. In several instances, I have wasted substantial time and money on overseas calls that did not materialize into advertisements opportuities. I have to make it known that I am not a full time blogger and I hold a day job. So the little side income derived from this blog is only sufficient for me to maintain this blog. And sometimes, the extra effort needed for the marketing is not even worth the time and energy.

In case you think I am a mercenary who is only interested in milking advertising fees from this blog, then you are wrong. I have supported worthy causes for free in this blog. Actually, its not solely about monetary rewards or stuff like that. If I think that your project is worthy to support, I would do it for free. Sometimes, in return for my effort, I gain intangible benefits, like the opportunity to  network with successful people. Therefore, it is in this spirit that I accepted Roland Liew’s event, Personal Financial Investment Seminar. The differentiating factor for this event is that the speakers are local financial bloggers with big reputations and have a combined local followers of about 10,000. Readers should seize this opportunity to enhance their knowledge on how to grow their money and learn how to build their wealth through investing. But most importantly, those who signed up for this event should network with successful people who turn up for this seminar. Always remember that to be rich and successful in Singapore, it does not matter what you know but who you know.

I am promoting this event out of goodwill for Roland because through our email correspondence, he was really sincere and sound like a good guy. Furthermore, I think this event is aligned to the goal of my blog – to promote financial literacy among Singaporeans. That is why I supported this seminar. Below is the registration details:

Date of event: 17th Jan 2015
Time: 12:30pm
Location NTUC Auditorium
Ticket fees: $16

There is a discount of 50% if you enter discount code “WBFRIEND”. For convenience, interested readers may register here.
I look forward to seeing you at the event.

Magically yours,
SG Wealth Builder

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