
Chinese New Year 2016: Cherish The Tradition

The first day of the Chinese New Year 2016 fell on 8 February, which is a special date for my wife and I. Seven years ago, we met on this day and fell in love with each other. We were amazed that time really flies and it seemed like yesterday we first met each other.

Our relationship has evolved over the years and as a result, our love has taken a slightly different dimension as compared to seven years ago. We don’t really need little gifts or expensive meals to strengthen the bond between us. In the past, we would fret over how to celebrate this special day together as a couple. Now, with two kids, it is definitely not easy to plan for a date, especially during this festive season.

We had our reunion dinner with my mum and brother’s family on 6 February (Saturday) instead of Sunday because my sister and my brother-in-law wanted to go to Krabi for holiday this week. This is the second time that my sister is travelling during the Chinese New Year and frankly speaking, I had some misgivings about it because my family hardly got any opportunities to get together due to our busy schedules. It is only during this time of the year that we have the chance to catch up and bond together as a family. This is all about family tradition and if we don’t make the extra effort to sustain and pass it down to the next generation, it will be lost.

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My wife lamented that nowadays, Chinese New Year carries very little significance to Singapore kids. To this, I do not disagree because they get to buy new clothes, shoes, toys and get to eat good food on almost daily basis. For most of them, money always come easy from their parents and as a result, many of them like to take things for granted. Thus, it is not difficult to understand that they are unable to appreciate the traditions of Chinese New Year.

Unlike the new generation, we only get to buy new clothes and shoes only during this period. It is also during this period that we get to feast and receive extra money from the red packets. So I guess in this respect, we are able to better cherish, value and appreciate the significance of Chinese New Year.

The passing on of traditions is important among the Chinese and I hope that many years later, when my children read my blog, they are able to internalize my thoughts and beliefs. I also hope that 30 years down the road, when I am no longer around, my children will uphold the same values as me – to be a honest, hardworking Singaporean wealth builder.

Although I was born to a low income family, my late father had given me the best asset that I can ever asked for and that was my university education, which really opened many opportunity doors and enabled me to build my own wealth. Without him, I will not be where I am now and for this, I am eternally grateful to him. He has always been a role model for me since young, and therefore, I will uphold his values and strive to give the best education for my children.

Magically yours,

SG Wealth Builder

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