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Property Education Seminar: Smart Landlords Vs Smart Tenants

This week, my mother is shortlisting new tenants after giving the marching orders to her current tenants. They are her fourth set of tenants in two years and all of them are Malaysians. Somehow, she always had issues with her tenants and all of them never last more than a year. Interestingly, the disputes were always on living habits and never on rental issues (all the tenants always paid the rental on time). As her children, we always advise our mother to give and take as there will definitely be frictions and misunderstandings when you live with strangers. Ultimately. it is better to develop harmonious relationships and create a win-win situation.Is there a good way to screen potential tenants? I wish I know because it is not possible to tell whether you can live in harmony with that person based just on a preliminary meeting. We all have bad habits and it takes time to adjust to your tenants or even family members’ bad habits. But of most importance is dealing with dishonest tenants and agents – how do landlords safeguard their interests against cheats? I have read articles of landlords being cheated of thousands of rental fees by tenants and agents. There are also tenants whose work permits have expired and choose to overstay in Singapore illegally; in such cases, how do you protect yourself against liability issues?

I do not have the answers to the above issues but I believe that  to make money from property investments, there are nuances you have to look out for.  To this end, I am glad that fellow blogger, Property Soul, is kind enough to invite me to her upcoming property education seminar, Smart Landlords vs Smart Tenants. She had invited me to her seminars previously but due to work exigencies, I was unable to attend. But this time round, I made it a point to attend this seminar to show support for her initiative to enhance Singaporean’s financial literacy. In addition, I hope to improve my understanding of the property investment market. I look forward to seeing you there!

Smart Landlords vs Smart Tenants
An education seminar by Property Club Singapore

What are the tax implications when you buy, lease and sell your properties?
Do you know that your purchase fund and selling profit can lead to unforeseeable taxable income?
How do smart landlords maximize their rental return by saving cost and adding value?
How to increase the rental value of your properties with smart touch-ups and proper maintenance?
What are the tips and traps of renting a home for expatriates in Singapore?
Are there better ways to handle rental disputes between landlords and tenants?
Want some advice to avoid falling into the traps of dishonest agents, difficult landlords or tenants? 

Seminar details

Date : November 1, 2014 (Saturday)
Time : 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
Venue : NTUC Centre, 1 Marina Boulevard

Income tax issues that a property investor should look out for
Mr Leung Yew Kwong, Principal Tax Consultant, KPMG Services
Smart rental tips for landlords and expats in Singapore
Mrs Deborah Law, Executive Director, Expat Realtor
Dialogue with an expert: how to maximize my property’s value with smart renovations
Property Soul, Author of No B.S. Guide to Property Investment
Mr Andrew Esmonde-White, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Kluje


Member: $35
Non-member: $55
Seats are limited. Registration will be closed once function room reaches full capacity.


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