
My stock investment portfolio

Sign up for only $19.99! As a matter of policy, I do not usually share my stock investment portfolio in this blog. This is because I do not want to create the impression that I am showing off my wealth. However, at the request of an SG Wealth Builder Lifetime member, I am sharing my investment portfolio for the first time. I feel obliged to share this article as this member has been a loyal member and I would like to repay his faith in me.

Apart from the Lifetime member’s request, I think the sharing of my stock investment portfolio will be good for my self-development as it helps to provide clarity on the thought process for my investments. Obviously, we all have investment blind spots and will inevitably make mistakes in the course of our wealth journey. In this regard, I think it is important to do self-reflections from time to time so that we can learn from mistakes and improve to become better investors.

Having this update also serves as a good documentation to keep track of how I have fared as an investor. I think members of SG Wealth Builder will want to know that I am not an arm chair critic who has no skin in the game.

investment portfolio

To enrich readers, I will share my insights on the key rationales for entering these stocks and the reasons for the exits. I believe in doing so, readers will benefit from the analyses. Nevertheless, I must caution that what worked for me may not be necessary so for the others. At the end of the day, everyone has different financial circumstances and investment philosophies. Therefore, it is important to stick to your own tried and tested investment strategies. So, without further ado, I will provide an update on my stock investment portfolio.

Note that this is an opinion article and not meant to be a financial advice. Please do your due diligence or engage financial advisors before investing in the stock market.

Stock investment portfolio updates

Overall, 2020 has been a fantastic year as my investment portfolio generated the highest returns since I started my investment journey. Considering the fact that the world was engulfed, and still is, by COVID-19 pandemic, I do think that the returns had been fantastic. I believe many investors also made healthy profits in 2020.

Total realized gains amounted to [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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