Insurance coverage; medical shield; financial planning; personal finance

My NTUC Incomeshield experience

A very belated Happy New Year to all readers! My family had a bad start for 2020 and things only settled down for the past few days. Now that things had pretty much gotten back to normal, I am taking this opportunity to pen down some thoughts and reflections about what had happened to my family. In addition, I have also decided to share my positive experiences with NTUC Incomeshield. Hopefully this sharing will benefit readers when crisis struck home.

For sure, nobody is ever prepared for crisis. But when disaster strikes, make sure you are ready.

This is the second time that my family had activated NTUC Incomeshield. In both instances, the claiming experiences were very positive. Many people like to joke that NTUC stands for “No Trouble Until Claim”. But our claiming experiences turned out to be otherwise!

NTUC Incomeshield

Note that this is not a sponsored post by NTUC Income nor am I promoting NTUC Incomeshield. In addition to this, the information contained in this article is not meant to be a form of financial advice. If you have any queries pertaining to NTUC Incomeshield, please seek financial advice from a licensed financial consultant.

Enhanced Incomeshield Preferred with Plus Rider

On 2 January 2020, my wife had a severe headache in the morning. It was the type of freakish headache which is like having a knife piercing through your head. She took several painkillers but the pain did not subside at all. By midnight, the headache still did not go away and my wife found the pain too unbearable to sleep.

That night, I was very worried that my wife might be suffering a stroke (incidentally both our late fathers had suffered from strokes). Due to this, we did not want to take chances. I wanted to drive her to the nearest hospital for a detailed check-up but my two young kids were soundly asleep. Furthermore, they needed to attend school the following day. The worst thing is that we don’t have helpers or parent support to look after my kids should I decided to accompany my wife to hospital.

In the end, we decided to call a private hire car to send my wife alone to Mount Alvernia. The reason why we chose a private hospital was because I have purchased Enhanced Incomeshield Preferred with Plus Rider for the whole family a few years ago. This insurance plan [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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2 thoughts on “My NTUC Incomeshield experience

  • Good news that it turned out to be nothing for your wife though she suffered from some terrible pains.

    My wife will undergo an operation at SGH tomorrow. We also have no helper and have two kids to take care of. We buy IPs up only to class A/B1 with full rider. The estimated cost for C/B2/B1/A is 13k/15k/28k/29k respectively. The huge difference from B2 to B1 doesn’t make sense to me. It seems to me people either go for B2 or A and forget about C or B1.

    Hi Gerald, any comment on these ward classes?

  • Hi Leo,

    Sorry to hear that your wife is hospitalized. I wish her a speedy recovery.
    Regarding your query on the hospitalization ward charges, Class A and B1 ward patients are considered “private patients” while Class B2 and C are “subsidized patitents”. That is the reason for the huge jump in charges between B1 and B2 because B2 wards are heavily subsidized. The basis for the subsidies is the means test data which the government collated many years ago.
    Given that you have full rider that cover up to Class A/B1, I would encourage your wife to be admitted to the highest tier for better nursing care. But please make sure you check the term and condition for your rider (whether it covers the deductible and co-insurance for the ward).


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