personal finance

Personal finance: 20 years of winter in Singapore

As an avid personal finance blogger in Singapore, I am passionate about personal finance and investment topics. My passion in personal finance stemmed from a challenging family financial background. So, it is definitely not by chance that I became a personal finance blogger. My goal for this blog is to share experiences relating to personal finance. In the process, I hope readers become better wealth builders.

Personal finance diary

The period 1994 to 2013 was the darkest chapter of my life, and also the longest winter for my family. We were very vulnerable then, and at the same time struggling to cope financially. My siblings and I were still schooling in secondary schools. Mom was a housewife and she received little education. Grandma was old and ailing. Dad was the sole breadwinner and his debilitating stroke plunged my family into an abyss of financial uncertainties.

I am a firm believer of working hard and smart to achieve success. In Singapore, regardless of social status and academic achievements, most Singaporeans should be able to earn good income if they are willing to work hard and smart. But what about those who are physically handicapped and struggling to make ends meet?

personal finance

For many people, the mere thought of removing urine for our fathers would have been grossly unpleasant. But for over three years, that’s what I did on a daily basis for my late father who suffered from the devastating stroke, followed by multi-system atrophy (MSA). Personally, it had been a humbling experience. I always told myself that Singapore certainly don’t owe me a living but I owe [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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4 thoughts on “Personal finance: 20 years of winter in Singapore

  • Thanks, Gerald, for sharing your personal life here. I would say you are a very good son to your father, reliable and responsible in discharging your filial duty. Last year, my dad passed away after suffering about 18 years of Parkinson’s Disease. In comparison with what you had done to your father, I am a bit shamed. My mom was the one primarily assisting him. I always think of my dad especially when I am dealing with my son, but rarely in dream as I seldom dream in my sleep.

  • Hi Leo,

    I can empathize and can relate to your family’s struggle.
    It must have been a very difficult period for you and your family. I think one of the most overlooked aspect for those suffering illnesses such as Parkinson Disease, stroke and dementia is the stress faced by caregivers. I reckon your mom had a really tough time looking after your late Dad and I respect her for it. Also, I hope you have much cherished memories of your Dad because memories last forever.


  • Hi Gerald,
    Thank you for sharing your past personal experience which has left a deep imprint on your life and is the source of your motivation and passion to help others. As you juggle a regular job with family responsibilities and blogging on sgwealthbuilder, do remember to take time off to smell the roses and unwind 🙂

    God bless you & your family!
    Cheryl Tan

  • Hi Cheryl,

    Thank you for your kind advice! I guess I was too emotional when I wrote this article but you are right, I should destress myself.


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