
Return of the Structured Deposit and Structured Note

For many years, the loose monetary policy of United States led to a period of low interest rates across many countries, fuelling investors’ interest for alternative high yield products to grow their wealth. Singapore is no exception. Since 2014, Structured Products like Structured Deposit and Structured Note had been making their way back into Singapore market due to the low interest rate environment. Local banks have been promoting these financial products to satisfy investors lust for yields.

While Structured Deposit and Structured Note are in vogue (again), it does not mean you should throw all caution to the wind. On the contrary, you must understand the catch behind such alternative products to avoid losing your hard-earned money.

structured deposit

Era of wealth

Many wealth builders would recall that Structured Products like Minibonds and High Notes 5 were notorious for triggering the Great Financial Crisis in 2008. Thousands of Singaporeans lost their life savings when they bought these risky products, which they thought to be safe instruments.

As a result of the financial crisis, Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS) banned these products for a period of time to conduct investigations on whether the financial institutions selling these products complied to the guidelines and regulations. The bans were lifted shortly after the completion of the investigations. Is Structured Product really the holy grail for yields?

To be frank, when it comes to investing, consumers have to play their part as well and not solely rely on the words of their financial advisors. Most of us forget [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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