
Destructive decline of Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (HPH Trust)

On 6 February 2018, OCBC Investment Research upgraded its rating on Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH Trust) from “hold” to “buy”. One wonders what had been going through the OCBC analysts’ minds when they made such a call. Following their upgrade, the unit price had been on an embarrassing downward trend and recovered slightly lately.

And every drop in the unit price seems like a slap to the analysts’ face. Of course, investors must be feeling unhappy. In my opinion, there is absolutely no basis to claim that “the worst is over” for this business trust.

When HPH Trust debut in SGX mainboard in 2011, the IPO price was between USD0.90 to USD1.10. There was much hype among investors, not least because the business trust was 30% owned by “Asia Superman”, billionaire Li Ka Shing. But after the dream debut, unit price had a horror run of decline. Currently trading at USD0.33, shareholders must be wondering what on earth has happened. Should investors cut loss or continue to hold?

Corporate profile

HPH Trust owns interests in deep-water container port assets such as Hongkong International Terminals(“HIT”) in Kwai Tsing Port, Hong Kong; and Yantian International Container Terminals (“Yantian”) and Huizhou International Container Terminals (“HICT”, an affiliated company of Yantian) in PRC. [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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