Career management; investments

Networking: Planting the seed of opportunities

It has been several years since Singapore leaders led the movement of “Every School is a Good School”. The aim of this campaign is to place less emphasis on academic grades, thereby creating a less stressful environment for our children. While the intention is good, it does not address the main reason why Singapore parents are so keen to send their children to top primary schools. In this article, I will share my views on the importance of network and the importance of who you know.

What you know

To put things into perspective, most Singaporean parents want their kids to do well in life. Having a good education, though does not guarantee success, would likely to open many doors of opportunities. Education also allows social mobility. This means that one is able to enhance his social status on the back of his education. So clearly, the stake is high when it comes to a child’s education in Singapore.

Education is important to our career because it provides the basis of “what you know”. Most people place a lot of emphasis on this because it is used as an indicator on whether you are qualified for a job. There are other factors like relevant work experiences and interview skills when it comes to getting that job but what I am trying to say is that “what you know” is one of the primary considerations as well.

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4 thoughts on “Networking: Planting the seed of opportunities

  • Pri school networks aren’t that practical. It’s more in tertiary educational institutions & workplaces & professional organisations / associations where networks are much more valuable & actionable.

    What is valuable during pri school “networking” is the early experience & practise in building up EQ, interpersonal dynamics, teamwork, cooperation, influencing, negotiation, psychology, motivational drives, etc which are the basic building blocks for developing networks.

  • “But what if your child does not qualify for entry into university and got enrolled into a polytechnic or worst still, ended up as an ITE student? Of course, there is nothing disgraceful studying in a polytechnic or ITE”

    By using the words “worst still” , you are suggesting that being an ITE student is undesirable or something bad even though you put in a disclaimer after that.

    As an experienced and respected blogger , I would expect better choice of words to put across your message. While many people may share the same opinion / sentiments as you , I don’t think it is necessary to emphasis that to make your point. The different education institutions serve the needs and abilities of different groups of people. Period.

  • Dear Edmund,

    I apologize deeply if the article is offensive but I mean no malicious intent.
    Nevertheless, I have amended the article to make it less derogatory. Thank you so much for your comments.
    Sometimes I may have overlooked the feelings of some readers. Please feel free to let me know.


  • Hi Sinkie,

    I really love your point on the basic building blocks for developing networks.
    Great insights and fully agreed with you!


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