personal finance

Financial time bomb in Singapore households

Almost three-quarters of households in Singapore could face financial disaster in the future due to worrying levels of inertia around wills and life protection, a new survey by online matching service has revealed.

• 71% of affluent women in Singapore admit that they/their partner do not have an up-to-date will in place that reflects their current wishes
• Almost a further tenth simply do not know if this vital document has been kept up to date – this despite the fact that 38% of women say they take sole responsibility for financial decisions in their household
• Life insurance and income protection levels are also worryingly low, with just 60% of wealthy women confident that they/their partner have adequate provision in place
Almost three-quarters of households could face financial disaster in the future due to worrying levels of inertia around wills and life protection, a new survey by online matching service has revealed.

Currently, 71% affluent women in Singapore admit that they/their partner do not have an up-to-date will in place that reflects their present wishes, while a further 9% do not know if this vital document has been kept current.

Just as worryingly, almost a quarter (23%) of respondents report that they do not have adequate life and income protection insurance in place, with a further 17% not knowing if they have taken sufficient measures to ensure their family’s security.

These figures should not imply any lack of engagement in financial matters among affluent females, however. Today, 38% of affluent women in Singapore say they take sole responsibility for financial decisions in their household, while a further 47% making decisions jointly with their partner.

Just 16% of females cede decision-making on investment management and financial planning matters to their partner. The survey results seem rather to be symptomatic of a widespread apathy around wills found around the
world: it is estimated that in the UK, for example, that 60% of the population has not made a will at all and 30 million people die intestate every year.

Dominic Gamble, Chief Executive and Co-founder of, says:“The inertia around wills and life protection our survey shows is really worrying. It’s understandable that
people don’t want to contemplate their own mortality but their fear of leaving their family without adequate financial and legal arrangements in place should really over-ride this. “Putting robust plans in place for if the worst should happen is one of those tasks a professional adviser can be invaluable for – and is another instance of true peace of mind being really quite easy to achieve if people are proactive. The consequences of dying intestate or without life/income insurance in place can be devastating, and with high-quality, cost-effective advice so readily available there really is no excuse not to take action.”

About is the leading independent and free online matching service that helps people find the wealth manager best suited to their needs.
Once users have completed a short online assessment our proprietary algorithm impartially generates a shortlist of up to three best-matched wealth managers.  At the click of a button, the user can then arrange for the right individual at each firm to get in contact for a no-obligation conversation about their investment and financial planning needs.
Taking control of your wealth is more important than ever, but finding the right adviser can be a time-consuming experience in what is still an opaque market. helps consumers by taking the guesswork out of choosing the wealth management firm with the right capabilities, service levels, approach and geographical location for their profile and needs. covers the entire spectrum of institutions – large and small, traditional and more recently established, independent and bank-owned.
Key facts and figures:
  • Users of the service range from investors with £50,000 to those with more than £50m. At least one match has been with an investor with more £100m of investible wealth
  • The UK site attracts 10,000 visitors a month, bolstered by high-profile media coverage; similar interest levels are already building in Singapore
  • In the past 12 months has referred clients with more than £250m of investible assets to wealth managers


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