Singtel share price (SGX: Z74) to rocket to the moon!
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It seems that winter may be over for Singtel share price (SGX: Z74). The counter has been on a bullish form in recent weeks following the announcement of its A$1.9 billion divestment of Australia Tower Network (ATN), a wholly-owned subsidiary which operates Optus’ passive telecommunications tower infrastructure. To put the icing on the cake, Singtel is also creating a regional data centre to capture digital growth. Has Singtel share price (SGX: Z74) reached a turnaround?
Singtel share price (SGX: Z74) has been on such a trashy form for the past two years that many investors have been left wondering will there be light at end of tunnel for this counter. Nevertheless, the revelation of three new pivots by CEO Yuen Kuan Moon on 27 May 2021 provided much hope for investors. The latest deals affirmed the management’s resolve to execute the CEO’s vision for Singtel growth.
In my previous article, it was highlighted that Singtel’ strategy is to focus on 5G network business, transforming NCS into a B2B powerhouse in Asia and divesting the telco infrastructure assets. Indeed, for the ATN divestment, the management shared that the proceeds will be used to fund “the rollout of 5G and other growth initiatives, including expanding the B2B digital services business in Singapore and Australia through NCS”.
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