Author: sgwealthbuilder


Wilmar share price plunged 25%

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP In my last article on Wilmar share price (20 June), I wrote that this counter could face huge turmoil in the short-term. Indeed, Wilmar share price continued to meltdown since 20 June, falling from $4.55 to the current $4.16. At current trading level, Wilmar share price is 25% off the 5-year high of $5.57 seen in February. Should investors run for their lives?

Wilmar share price

A Lifetime Member has written in to request for an explanation of the downtrend Wilmar share price. If you are keen on coverage of other stocks, do sign up as member! In 2020, I invested in Wilmar and exited at a profit of $2,700 in early 2021. My lowest entry for Wilmar share price was $4.84 and I exited at $5.20. While I did not exit at the highest point of $5.60, I have no regrets selling my Wilmar stocks. In life, you can never sell at the highest price. I am happy as long as I made decent profits. Although I am not vested in this counter any more, I am still bullish about Wilmar share price in the long-run because of the business strategies undertaken by the management.

The current train-wreck for Wilmar share price may be puzzling and gut-wrenching for many retail investors.

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OCBC Share Price (SGX: O39) in Ring of Fire

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What an ambush! It seems to me that the big boys had staged a sneaky ambush on OCBC share price (SGX: O39). From a high of $12.46 on 10 August, OCBC share price collapsed by 7.3% to reach a low of $11.55 on 27 August. The spectacular fall of OCBC share price within the span of two weeks certainly caught many investors by surprise. To make matters worse, the correction of OCBC share price was the worst among the three banks (DBS shares fell by 5.0% while UOB shares fell by 4.7%).

Looking back, the lifting of dividend restrictions by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) had provided plenty of fireworks for all three bank stocks, including OCBC share price. Subsequently, the OCBC’ stellar 1HFY2021 financial result pushed OCBC share price to a high of $12.46. Then again, Man proposes, God disposes. Despite the tailwinds, the big boys decided to pull the rug on OCBC share price.

OCBC share price

For four consecutive weeks, OCBC has been in the top ten institutional net sell list. In the week of 26 July, big boys net sell $30.5 million worth of OCBC shares. In the week of 2 August, $52.8 million worth of OCBC shares were net sold.

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personal finance

Your company is a tool for building wealth: Learn how to achieve financial success

Building wealth and achieving financial freedom is a good way to increase the quality of your life. Money can’t buy happiness, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that materialism has a negative effect on overall well-being. Just think about it. When you have money, you derive satisfaction from other areas of your life, such as family life, health, social life, and so on. If you don’t lose sight of the things that matter, you can live a better life.

personal loans

Image source:

As a business owner, you could accumulate wealth or ramp up risk. You’re in the business to make a profit, so you should be enjoying the benefits of owning a successful company. How do you build a fortune? If you really want to know, keep on reading. In what follows, we’ll explore the best ways to achieve financial success and achieve your business objectives.

Don’t view your company as your job

Starting a company, especially a start-up, requires hard work and determination. The pay is low unless you’re one of the lucky ones who meet with success. To attain financial independence, you must think and act strategically. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to treat your company as a job.

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Singtel share price seeing daylight?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP For Singtel share price, it should be light at end of tunnel instead of light from an on-coming train. Of course, long-term investors could be forgiven for thinking otherwise. After all, Singtel share price has endured so many false dawns in recent years that investors must be wondering when will Singtel share price ever become great again.

For sure, Singtel share price has lost that aura of invincibility. Perhaps the billion dollars penalty imposed by Indian Supreme Court for its subsidiary, Airtel, had knocked the wind out of Singtel share price. Or maybe the cut in dividends had demolished investors’ confidence in Singtel share price. Whatever the case it may be, the counter is a shadow of its former self.

Singtel share price

Singtel share is extremely popular among Singapore investors as many retirees depend on the dividends for passive income. So you can imagine the shockwaves for Singtel share price when the telco announced an interim dividend of just 5.1 cents in November 2020. That dividend was the lowest in a decade and sent Singtel share price to the rock bottom. To be exact, all hell broke loose when Singtel share price crashed to record low of $2.00 on 2 November 2020.

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Nanofilm (SGX: MZH) share price in crisis

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a devastating plunge! On 16 August, Nanofilm share (SGX: MZH) crashed 30% following the double bad news concerning the resignation of Chief Operating Officer (COO) and a set of financial result that fell short of analysts’ expectations. The swift meltdown of Nanofilm share price certainly raised many eyebrows as this counter just smashed $6.50 on 26 July. How will Nanofilm share price unravel in the coming weeks?

Back in March 2021, I have written an article that stated Nanofilm share price is worth $4 only. Even though Nanofilm share price has reached my target price, I will not enter this counter at the moment because I do not invest in a company that just got listed within five years. In my opinion, the current turmoil of Nanofilm share price is largely due to the recent departures of former CEO Lee Liang Huang and COO Ricky Tan. So until the day that Nanofilm addresses this issue, it is too early to claim that Nanofilm share price will see bottom soon.

Nanofilm share price

It is certainly not business as usual when two senior managers departed from a company within a short span of time. Dr Shi Xu, the founder and Executive Chairman of Nanofilm, has been appointed as the interim CEO.

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DBS Group Holdings share price in China war

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It seems that DBS Group Holdings share price may have peaked. During the report of 1QFY2021 financial result, DBS Group reported first quarter net profit doubled from the previous quarter. That feat set DBS Group Holdings share price on fire. However, recent 2QFY2021 financial revealed 15% decline of net profit on quarter-to-quarter basis. In this regard, is this the end of an era for DBS Group Holdings share price?

Make no mistake. The local bank is not facing any crisis. In fact, DBS Group is still raking in healthy level of profit. Year-to-date, DBS Group Holdings share price had also increased by a whopping 21.35%. Notwithstanding these, it should be noted that the powerful surge of DBS Group Holdings share price was built upon the bank’s recovery from the low “base effect” seen in the first half of FY2020 – the onset of the pandemic.

DBS Group Holdings share price

As we enter the second half of FY2021, that “base effect” will gradually reduce. Moving forward, investors will be examining how the bank fares in comparison to pre-pandemic. Against this backdrop, whether DBS Group Holdings share price could sustain its bullish run in the coming months will be a big question mark.

Just like OCBC, DBS’ first half stellar performance was largely due to lower amount of allowances, which dropped to just $89 million in comparison to the staggering $1.94 billion in last year.

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OCBC share price mumbo jumbo with “Golden Triangle”!

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It’s official! On 28 July, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) lifted the dividend cap on Singapore banks. The lifting of dividend cap set OCBC share price on fire. From 28 July, OCBC share price surged from $12.07 to a high of $12.46 on 10 August. On the basis of the current run, can OCBC share price hit $15 by end of the year? While OCBC share price has taken some knocks following ex-dividend on 13 August, the catalysts could drive OCBC share price to new heights in the coming months.

OCBC share price

OCBC share price nearly hit $14 in 2018. That was the year in which the bank recorded full-year net profit of $4.5 billion. Fast forward to FY2021, the first half net profit had already hit a high of $2.75 billion, surpassing the $2.3 billion profit in 2018. Assuming OCBC recorded $5.2 billion earning for full-year, the annualized EPS could be $1.15. Applying multiple of 13, my target OCBC share price is about $15.

Apart from the lifting of dividend cap by MAS, another tailwind that will aid OCBC share price is the shares buybacks by the bank. Traditionally, OCBC is considered the most aggressive when it comes to share buybacks in recent years.

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AEM share price rockets with Temasek Holdings!

Lifetime Membership On 6 August 2021, AEM share price staged a return of the prodigy. The night before, the management had released a set of dismal 1HFY2021 financial result that saw revenue plunging by 30% and net profit collapsing by 46% on year-on-year basis. To be frank, I could not sleep well that night and was expecting AEM share price to plummet the following day. I was actually boiling inside, not at the poor result because I was expecting the financial result to be disappointing. To be exact, I was angry at the management for the lack of traction in securing of new major customers. But non-executive Chairman Loke Wai San, being Loke Wai San, managed to outfox everyone once again.

AEM share price

When companies announce financial results in the middle of the night, it can only mean that the result is disappointing. Indeed, this has been the case for AEM. Then again, drawing from the experience of the 1QFY2021 result saga, Loke Wai San probably knew that he could not afford to let AEM share price collapses again. Nonetheless, surely nobody could have predicted the bombshell revelation of the entry of Temasek Holdings. Honestly, I must really hand it to Loke Wai San for pulling this off!

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Keppel Corp share price firing on all cylinders!

Lifetime Membership On 2 August 2021, Keppel Corp stunned Singapore investment community with the announcement of the $2.2 billion strategic acquisition of Singapore Press Holdings ex-Media. Whilst the media segment had been carved out, the destiny of the remaining assets of SPH remained a mystery until the fateful announcement. Will the latest turn of event throw a spanner in the works for the recovery of Keppel Corp share price?

Keppel Corp share price turned on the style following report of a net profit amounting to $300 million for half year ended 30 June 2021. Notwithstanding the strong results, what truly turbocharged Keppel Corp share price was the surprising bonanza cash dividend of 12.0 cents, which is significantly higher than 2020’s interim dividend of 3.0 cents and also higher than the interim dividend of 8.0 cents declared in 2019.

Keppel Corp share price

With the proposed acquisition of SPH ex-Media, it is evident that Keppel Corp management is very determined to execute one of its much-touted Vision 2030 – recycling of assets to generate cash. The biggest components of Vision 2030 are to become asset-lite and pivot in renewable energy sector. To do so, Keppel Corp needs a mega asset monetization programme. The monetization initiative is well-underway but the assets from SPH is going to provide more platform for recycling.

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China stock market bloodbath

Lifetime Membership Many investors thought it is light at the end of tunnel for China stock market. But as it turned out, the light was actually from an on-coming train instead. The recent crackdown by Chinese authorities on education and technology companies had wiped off about US$1 trillion off Chinese shares in the past week. The speed and magnitude of the China stock market correction had caught most investors flat footed. Is it really the end of the road for China stock market?

China stock market

Back in November 2020, the Chinese authorities had torpedoed Alibaba’s Ant Group IPO. Since then, Alibaba’s share price had never really recovered from that devastating blow, falling from the high of US$307 to the present US$189. So for those who think that the current correction in China stock market represented a good opportunity for bargain hunting, it is better to think twice. The fate of Alibaba share price means that investing in China stock market is going to be very, very challenging.

China stock market sees red

Following the Ant IPO saga, the important messaging from China is [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only.

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ESR REIT share price rallied with GIC

Lifetime Membership Since May 2021, ESR REIT share price staged a rebound following acquisition of a 10% stake in ESR Australia Logistics Partnership (“EALP”), which is 80% owned by Singapore sovereign wealth fund, GIC. For a long time, I have been following developments of industrial S-REITs that are majority-owned by Temasek Holdings, such as Ascendas REIT and Mapletree Industrial REIT. The recent bullish form of ESR REIT share price led to an SG Wealth Builder member requesting for a coverage on this counter.

Singapore has two sovereign wealth funds – Temasek Holdings and GIC. While Temasek Holdings has stolen the limelight through its various investments in finance, industrial, technology and commodity firms, GIC tends to form partnerships with private equity firms to invest in overseas real estate assets. The recent aggressive moves by GIC to acquire industrial assets with ESR could have a major bearing on ESR REIT share price in the years to come.

ESR REIT share price

Before touching on the outlook of ESR REIT share price, let’s cover some background on this industrial S-REIT. The sponsor of this S-REIT is ESR, which was formed in 2016 through the merger of Japan’s Redwood Group and Chinese e-Shang, co-founded by private equity firm Warburg Pincus in 2011.

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Mapletree Logistics Trust share price (SGX: M44U) in wonderland

Lifetime Membership What an impressive run for Mapletree Logistics Trust share price! From $1.78 in March 2021, Mapletree Logistics Trust share price turned on the style to reach $2.10 lately. This represented an increase of 18% within four months. The breath-taking form of Mapletree Logistics Trust share price certainly caught many investors by surprise as this S-REIT is behaving more like a growth stock instead of a dividend stock.

Admittedly, I did not manage to catch Mapletree Logistics Trust share price when it bottomed in March. Instead, I bought 40,000 shares at an average price of $1.965. Given the recent bullish run of Mapletree Logistics Trust share price, I decided to cash out this counter at $2.12 per share. Excluding the distributions, I had made a tiny profit of $6,200. The profit represented 15.5% within the span of three months.

Mapletree Logistics Trust share price

The decision to exit this counter is mainly because Mapletree Logistics Trust share price had hit my exit target price. I am not exactly a buy-and-hold type of investor. Usually, I set entry and exit prices for my investments. Fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with Mapletree Logistics Trust as the business outlook remains strong and the management is growing the S-REIT well.

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Sembcorp Marine share price plunging to $0.05?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Sembcorp Marine share price became the talk of the town. And for all the wrong reasons. The $1.5 billion rights issue had led to a devastating meltdown in Sembcorp Marine share price, which plunged from $0.19 to the current low of $0.11. The correction amounted to about 42% across the span of nearly a month. Given the horrendous train-wreck of Sembcorp Marine share price, shareholders have every right to be angry with the management.

From a blue chip among the prestigious Straits Times Index (STI) in 2016 to a cheap penny stock in 2021, Sembcorp Marine share price has become one of the biggest falling stars in SGX. How this counter managed to land in such a dismay state is beyond my understanding. But I reckon what riled shareholders the most is that the previous rights issue of $2.1 billion took place just in September 2020. And now, within a span of less than a year, Sembcorp Marine has come back to ask for more money from shareholders.

Sembcorp Marine share priceAdmittedly, I have a special interest in Sembcorp Marine share price because I made a successful contra in this counter in April 2021. Through the volatility of Sembcorp Marine share price, I have made a small profit of $900.

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AEM share price recovering from bloodbath

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP  In the blink of an eye, it had been two months since the capitulation of AEM share. From $4.18 on 29 April to a low of $3.40 on 11 May, AEM share price plunged by a whopping 18.7%. The crash of AEM share price followed the release of Q1FY2021 financial result which saw revenue collapsed 45.4% year-on-year. Since that fateful collapse, AEM share price returned to form lately, hitting $4.18 on 15 July.

The return of AEM share price came at a time when the Group is about to announce the 1HFY2021 financial result. Investors must be holding their breath on the business performance of AEM. More importantly, investors wanted to know the progress of the “deep technical engagements with 10 out of the top 20 semiconductor companies, spanning mobility, memory, and high-performance computing”.

AEM share price

The securing of even one of the top 20 semiconductor companies would be a significant breakthrough for AEM share price. For years, AEM had relied on Intel for revenue source. To expand the customer base, the management had embarked on a slew of acquisitions in recent years. So far, seven technology companies were acquired since 2017 but sad to say, these acquisitions provided minimal impact to the revenue and profit.

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Singtel share price needs StarHub merger

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP When will Singtel share price ever see daylight? In my previous article, I shared that Singtel share price would blow up in pieces following the release of full-year financial result for FY2020. Indeed, Singtel share price turned bearish for the past three months, falling from $2.60 in April to a low of $2.25 in early July. To halt the slump in Singtel share price, the management announced a new strategic direction to capture growth on 27 May.

To be fair to the management, the current state of Singtel share price should not be attributed to the new Chairman nor the new CEO. They have inherited a company that had seen growth under severe pressure due to intense competition in its regional associates’ businesses. The pandemic has brought even more headwinds and disruptions for Singtel. Against this backdrop, the strategic reset announced on 27 May is an attempt to revive the long-term outlook for Singtel share price.

Singtel share price

In the strategic plan, Group CEO Yuen Kuan Moon outlined three new growth pivots – harnessing 5G, repositioning NCS for overseas ICT expansion and unlocking value of infrastructure assets. In my opinion, the strategic reset represents a major shift for Singtel’s growth strategy.

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Sembcorp Marine share price faces takeover offer

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It is a battle that Sembcorp Marine can ill-afford to lose. On 24 June, the announcement of the bombshell $1.5 billion rights issue led Sembcorp Marine share price to yet another dark chapter. Over the course of two weeks, Sembcorp Marine share price plunged by a staggering of nearly 35%. Given that the latest rights issue price is at an abysmal $0.08, it is reasonable to expect Sembcorp Marine to continue its disastrous run in the coming weeks.

The sentiments for Sembcorp Marine share price are so toxic that not even the news of the merger with Keppel Offshore Marine (KOM) can halt the stock slump. The news of the $230 million contract win from Brazilian shipyard, for modification work to be completed on the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) P-71 oil and gas vessel, had temporarily provided some respite for the siege on Sembcorp Marine share price.

Sembcorp Marine share priceNonetheless, the contract win is not going to move the needle for Sembcorp Marine as the oil-rig builder has revealed that the root cause for its current crisis is not the lack of revenue from new contract wins. Rather, COVID-19 has caused the deferral of deliveries and payments by existing customers.

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MIT share price riding data centre boom

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP For the longest time, I have been contemplating to invest in an S-REIT with special focus in data centres. Hence, I have been monitoring Keppel DC REIT and Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT). Both counters are majority-owned by Temasek Holdings and listed in the Straits Times Index (STI). Between the two players, I feel that the growth potential for MIT share price is higher due to recent strategic moves by the management.

In 2019, the Singapore government imposed a moratorium on new data centres. Being a land scarce country, there is a lack of land to accommodate the rapidly growing demands for data centres. In addition, data centres consume huge amount of energy and require energy-efficient cooling systems. For these reasons, data centre players like Keppel DC REIT and Mapletree Industrial Trust look to overseas for data centre acquisitions.

MIT share price

Between the two S-REITs, it seems to me that MIT’s management decided to go on shopping spree. In September 2020, MIT completed the acquisition of the remaining 60.0% interest in 14 data centres located in the United States for about $293 million. And in March 2021, MIT completed the acquisition of a data centre in Virginia, United States for about $283 million.

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Keppel share price aiming for $7

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Three cheers for Keppel share price! On 24 June, Keppel announced the signing of non-binding MOU with Sembcorp Marine with a view of combining Keppel Offshore & Marine (KOM) and Sembcorp Marine. Rumours of a merger between the two top dogs in the oil and gas sector had been swirling for years. Many investors had expected the deal to be the perfect catalyst for Keppel share price because of the economy of scale and operating synergies.

Indeed, market reactions had been positive for Keppel initially. Keppel share price surged from $5.10 on 24 June to a high of $5.60 on 28 June. Within a span of just four days, Keppel share price increased by 10%. In my previous article, I wrote that my target Keppel share price in 2021 was $5.50. Now that the counter has crossed this level, I do think that $7 could be the next attainable milestone for Keppel share price in 2021.

Keppel share price

The $5.50 share price price level was previously based on the assumption that Keppel could make net profit $500 million for the full-year in 2021. Incidentally, the 24 June announcement revealed that Keppel will receive shares in the new listed company and a cash consideration of up to $500 million.

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Sembcorp Marine share price collapsed

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a mayhem for Sembcorp Marine share price! On 24 June, both Sembcorp Marine and Keppel Corp requested trading halts for their counters. The trading halts were in preparation for the release of the epic announcements in relation to the bombshell $1.5 billion rights issue and commencement of merger talks between Sembcorp Marine and Keppel Offshore & Marine (KOM).

Sembcorp Marine share price

For Sembcorp Marine share price, it is a case of lightning strikes twice. The previous rights issue of $2.1 billion took place just in September 2020. And now, within a span of less than a year, Sembcorp Marine has come back to ask for more money from shareholders. To rub salt into injury, the latest cash call amounted to a staggering $1.5 billion, representing 63% of the current market capitalization. Against this backdrop, Sembcorp Marine share price plunged by as much as 28% after trading halt was lifted.

For sure, the twin announcements raised more questions than answers for investors. A few SG Wealth Builders had written in to request for my insights. Understandably, confidence was shaken for Sembcorp Marine share price. The management shot itself in the foot by announcing the massive rights issue together with the merger talks with KOM.

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Sembcorp Marine share price to sink or swim?


Will Sembcorp Marine share price sink or swim in the coming months? In 2021, the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations had led to gradual resumption of economic activities in various countries. While global economies had yet to recover to pre-pandemic levels, crude oil prices recently hit a 2-year high of US$73 per barrel. What is the implication of rising crude oil prices for local oil and gas stocks?

A long-time SG Wealth Builder member sought my insights on the recent recovery of crude oil prices and queried how this would affect SGX listed oil and gas stocks. The member did not specify any particular oil and gas stocks that he would like to cover, so I would share my views on Sembcorp Marine share price instead. This is because Keppel Corp and Sembcorp Marine are the top dogs in this sector. However, the former has announced its intention to exit the oil-rig building business to pivot in the renewable energy sector.

Source: Bullionstar

The second reason why I choose to analyze Sembcorp Marine share price is because I had a successful contra trade in this counter in April 2021.

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personal finance

Biggest myths about CPF Nomination

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP The Chinese has a saying “You come to this world with nothing, and you shall leave this world with nothing.” Death is an inevitable phase of life which everyone would have to go through. While your CPF savings certainly belong to yours, the ownership would cease upon death. This is a fundamental universal truth. However, being a responsible wealth builder, I believe in forward planning. In this article, I will share my thoughts on the biggest myths about CPF nomination.

In 2017, I have made my CPF nomination. The process was incredibly simple and easy. It is also free of charge. I was very impressed by CPF Board’s efficiency and service standard. Within three days, I got a follow-up call from a CPF officer confirming my nomination details were in order and within a week, I got an official letter from CPF Board.

CPF nomination

Will versus CPF nomination

The biggest myth about CPF monies is that you can make a will on it. Many Singaporeans are not aware that CPF savings are not covered under will. According to CPF Board website, CPF savings are not part of your estate. The policy intent is to protect from creditor claims on any outstanding debts.

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Wilmar share price in explosive meltdown

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a disaster for Wilmar share price. The wheel finally came off the wagon when Wilmar share price hit a 5-year high of $5.60 on 19 February 2021. Wilmar share price began to nose dive after crude palm oil (CPO) prices peaked at a record high of RM$4,400 per tonne in April 2021.

As of 17 June 2021, CPO price has plunged to a low of RM$3,377 per tonne. In view of this, there is further room for the correction of Wilmar share price. For sure, the train wreck of Wilmar share price caught many investors by surprise. Should investors run for their lives?

Wilmar share price

Wilmar is one of the largest oil palm plantation owners in Indonesia and Malaysia. As such, Wilmar share price is prone to the volatility of CPO prices. One of the driving factors for the surging CPO prices in 2021 is due to the huge demand for palm oil by India. In fact, palm oil exports from Malaysia to India rocketed 766% year-on-year from January to May 2021. However, due to the second COVID-19 wave in India, palm oil demand is expected to decline sharply in the coming months due to the lockdowns in the South Asia country.

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Sembcorp Industries share price in India nightmare

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP My last coverage on Sembcorp Industries share price was in February 2021. That was before the devastating second wave of COVID-19 infections took place in India. With a significant business exposure in India, what would be the impact levied on Sembcorp Industries share price? So far, the management had updated that its assets in Myanmar continued to be in operations despite the civil unrest. But there were no updates on the situation in India. On this note, investors have every reason to be concerned about Sembcorp’s India operations.

Sembcorp (SGX: U96) share price worth $4?

Sembcorp Industries share price gave me 37% return!

Sembcorp Industries share price

Given the situation in India, there are plenty of uncertainties for Sembcorp Industries share price. It doesn’t help that there are no business updates for the 1st quarter financial performance. The Group is not required to file quarterly results as SGX had ceased the quarterly financial reporting requirement. Without clarity on this significant downside risk, investors are left wondering how Sembcorp Industries will fare in the upcoming 1HFY2021 financial result.

Through Sembcorp Energy India Ltd (SEIL), Sembcorp Industries has $1.57 billion worth of ownership interest in India. SEIL has wind, solar and thermal power assets (P1 and P2).

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Sarine Tech share price to do an iFAST?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Diamond, diamond, in the sky. Who’s the shiniest of them all? The raging form of iFAST has set many SGX technology stocks on fire, and Sarine Tech share price is one of those riding on the current wave. For perspective, the counter has surged by 45% since the start of the year. While Sarine Tech share price is still some way off the record high of $3.20 seen in 2014, its current share performance is impressive given the current market condition.

A loyal supporter of SG Wealth Builder wrote in to seek my insights on the outlook of Sarine Tech share price, so I feel obliged to write a balanced view on this counter. As I have mentioned before, my investment philosophy is that there are no good or bad stocks. In the stock market, there are only good or bad strategies. It is possible that investors make money out of risky stocks. Conversely, many seasoned investors have lost their pants investing in purportedly “safe” stocks like Hyflux and Eagle Hospitality Trust.

Sarine Tech share price

Before I share my view on Sarine Tech share price, let’s do a brief company background. Firstly, Sarine does not sell diamonds. Instead, the Israel company provides smart solutions throughout the entire diamond value chain, spanning from upstream (miners) to rough diamond polishing (mid-stream) to grading and trading (downstream).

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DBS Group Holdings share price at record high!

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Has DBS Group Holdings share price fulfilled its destiny? On 14 April, I wrote that DBS Group Holdings share price could smash past $30 following the release of the first quarter business update. Indeed, DBS Group Holdings share price did not fail to disappoint investors. Recently, the counter hit the record high of $30 on the back of a stellar financial result.

For perspective, the Group’s first-quarter 2021 net profit doubled from the previous quarter and increased 72% from a year ago to $2.01 billion. Thus, the buoyant form of DBS Group Holdings share price is not unexpected. To put the icing on the cake, it was the first time that DBS’ quarterly earnings crossed $2 billion. The solid financial result is amazing given that global economy is still in the doldrum amid the global pandemic crisis. Question now is: where would DBS Group Holdings share price go from here?

DBS Group Holdings share price

DBS share price (SGX: D05) bottomed out?

DBS Group Holdings riding the storm

DBS Group Holdings share price & Piyush Gupta

Since November 2020, DBS Group Holdings share price basically went on a rampage. The counter surged from $21 to the current $30. The roll-out of COVID-19 vaccination had ignited hopes of a global economic recovery in 2021.

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OCBC share price to test $15?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a boisterous form for OCBC share price! In my previous article, I shared that OCBC share price could be on fire with the release of the first quarter financial result. Indeed, OCBC did not fail to deliver. Group net profit for 1QFY2021 of $1.50 billion was significantly higher than the $698 million a year ago.

But then again, Man proposes, God disposes. All local bank stocks, including OCBC share price, suffered a correction following news of the first COVID-19 case at Changi Airport. Since then, the growing number of infections linked to Changi Airport has turned it into the largest cluster in 2021. Against this backdrop, the narrative for OCBC share price turned sombre. From $12.60 on 10 May, OCBC share price tanked to $11.70 on 14 May. In this regard, volatility remains the name of the game for OCBC share price.

OCBC share price to surge with 70% profit jump?

OCBC share price in new dawn

OCBC share price

It certainly seems that the proverbial “sell in May and go away” syndrome is in play even as COVID-19 continues to rage in various countries. But the blip for OCBC share price did not last long as the Group embarked on an aggressive shares buyback mission to rescue OCBC share price.

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SIA share price rises from the ashes

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Will SIA share price see daylight soon? Confidence in air travel has taken severe knocks following multiple waves of COVID-19 infections in various countries, not to mention the devastating second wave in India. Yet against this backdrop, USA and European countries are seeing drastic drops in COVID-19 infections and deaths due to aggressive vaccination programmes.

SIA share price

In March 2021, I wrote that SIA share price could be in for an explosive destiny following the release of full-year financial result FY20/21. Back then, I had predicted that the full-year losses to be around $3.5 billion but it turned out that the actual losses amounted to $4.2 billion. Prior to the result release, SIA share price suffered some correction, falling from $5.70 in April to the current $4.80.

SIA share price in explosive destiny

SIA share price smashed into rock

SIA share price in darkest chapter

SIA share price faces brutal meltdown

As expected, the correction for SIA share price is limited as most investors had anticipated the record losses prior to the release of the result. The question now is: how would the market react to the $6.2 billion mandatory convertible bonds (MCBs). For sure, the MCBs will strengthen the national carrier’s balance sheet.

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Self improvement

Seeking happiness amid pandemic

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It has been more than a year since the outbreak of COVID-19. Just when we thought that the vaccines would enable the world to see light at end of tunnel in 2021, mutant variants have led to multiple waves of infections across countries. In Singapore, we are in a month-long of heightened alert, with new measures being implemented to curb the spread of the virus. Against this depressing backdrop, I thought it is useful to pen down some thoughts on happiness habits.

No doubt about it. Pandemic has caused many to feel anxious, depressed and stressed out. The social restrictions and public health measures not only upend our social and work routines, they have also contributed to plenty of financial woes as those working in sectors badly hit got laid off. With these challenges confronting us on a daily basis, finding happiness may seem like easier said than done.


Indeed, I am not going to sugar-coat and claim that finding happiness is a straightforward thing. It does take effort but it is not unattainable. To achieve happiness, there is a need to shift our mental modal. Given that there are reports of rising mental health cases in Singapore, I hope this article will serve as a motivation to inspire people to take charge of their lives and harness the power of happiness.

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Singtel share price to blow up in pieces?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP 27 May 2021 will be destiny day for Singtel share price as the full-year financial result will be unveiled. Yet on 14 May 2021, Singtel management shocked investors by revealing that the results for financial year ended 31 March 2021 are expected to include net exceptional losses of $1.21 billion. Should investors run for their lives before Singtel share price blew up in pieces?

In my opinion, credit must be given to the management for giving retail investors ample warning about the upcoming headwind. Hand on heart, I am impressed by the management’s transparency. With this upfront caveat, at least most investors will be mentally prepared for the 27 May result. However, at the back of most investors’ mind must be the scale of collateral damage on the final dividend.

Singtel share price

Widely viewed as a dividend stock, Singtel is extremely popular among Singaporean investors as many retirees depend on this evergreen counter for passive income. For FY2020, underlying net profit declined 13% to $2.46 billion. As a result, the total dividends decreased to 12.25 cents from 17.5 cents in FY2019. With the bombshell revelation of net exceptional losses, I expect Singtel share price to come under severe pressure next week.

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Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U) is better than fixed deposits

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP After I published my investment portfolio in the previous article, an SG Wealth Builder requested me to do a deep dive into another stock in my portfolio – Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U). As this counter is my largest investment in 2021 so far, I am more than happy to share an in-depth analysis on this S-REIT.

I have been covering Mapletree Logistics Trust (M44U) since 2018. The reasons for my conviction in this S-REIT are due to the rising unit price and the distributions in recent years. Since IPO, share price has surged from $0.63 to the current $1.90. On the other hand, annual distributions had increased from $0.0686 in FY12/13 to $0.08326 in FY20/21. Loyal investors of Mapletree Logistics Trust (M44U) must be laughing all the way to the bank!

Mapletree Logistics Trust (M44U)

For the uninitiated, Mapletree Logistics Trust (M44U)’s principal strategy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of income-producing logistics real estate as well as real estate-related assets in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific logistics sector. Sovereign wealth fund, Temasek Holdings, has about 33.1% stake in this S-REIT, holding 1.42 billion shares.

During COVID-19, Mapletree Logistics Trust (M44U) went on an aggressive acquisition spree to scale its business across the Asia-Pacific region.

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