Author: sgwealthbuilder


Singtel share price in state of emergency

Sign up for only $19.99! What a disaster for Singtel share price. Investors must have thought they have seen the worst of Singtel share price when global stock markets plunged on 23 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most stocks had since recovered from that dark chapter but Singtel share price continued its dismal run. What the hell has happened to this leading light of SGX?

Singtel share price

Amid the devastating meltdown of Singtel share price, the telco announced the retirement of CEO Chua Song Koong effective on 1 January 2021. That fateful announcement provided some temporary relief for Singtel share price, which surged from $2.15 on 1 October to $2.20 on 14 October. But sentiments continued to be sour for this counter as Singtel share price continued its bearish run thereafter. Is this really the end of the road for Singtel share price?

Singtel share price crashed to 12-year low

Singtel share price braces for bloodbath

Singtel share price to collapse to $1.50?

Singtel share price in devastating bloodbath

Singtel share price to swim or sink with coronavirus?

As I have never invested in Singtel, I have nothing against CEO Chua Song Koong. Arguably, her best achievements were the acquisition of Optus in Australia and the divestment of Netlink Trust in 2017, which led to Singtel share price hitting a high of $4.00.

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OCBC share price held ransom by Great Eastern

Sign up for only $19.99! Is it the right time and right place for OCBC share price? At Price/Book Value of 0.805, OCBC share price is trading below its book value, no thanks to the fallout from COVID-19 pandemic. Yet against the backdrop of Singapore’s Phase 3 reopening, will OCBC share price be able to ride on the coming recovery?

On a quarter-to-quarter basis, Singapore’s GDP expanded by 7.9% due to the robust showing from the manufacturing sector. Being the bellwether of the economy, bank stocks are proxy to the country’s economic condition. In this regard, the coming third quarter business update will be a baptism of fire for OCBC share price as investors will be scrutinizing the performance of OCBC’s insurance subsidiary, Great Eastern.

OCBC share price

What can float a boat can also sink it. While Great Eastern Holdings had provided OCBC an unassailable edge over DBS and UOB for decades, the volatile financial performances of the insurance company had wrecked OCBC share price in recent years. Coupled with COVID-19, it is indeed the perfect storm for both OCBC and Great Eastern.

Year-to-date, OCBC share price had been hammered left, right and centre by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. OCBC share price would have suffered a worse fate if not for the $100 billion economic stimulus packages from the government.

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Wilmar share price ambushed by short sellers

Sign up for only $19.99! What a nail-biting roller coaster ride for Wilmar share price! On the day of its China unit (YKA) IPO, Wilmar share price surged to a high of $4.70 before crashing to $4.36. The volatility of Wilmar share price caught many investors by surprise as YKA debut with roaring success, closing at more than 100% to the IPO price.

Wilmar share price to rocket to $7?

Wilmar share price to hit the roof in 2020?

Wilmar share price in lung bursting form

Looking through the SGX website, it was confirmed that the collapse of Wilmar share price was the work of the short-sellers. On 15 October, short selling activities on Wilmar share price surged to a whopping 10.5 million, nearly 10 times the daily average volume for this counter. So while the Chinese investors popped the champagne over the successful YKA IPO, investors of Wilmar were confounded over the crash of Wilmar share price.

Wilmar share price

In fact, the shorting against Wilmar share price had been timed to perfection as it occurred on a Thursday. Typically, the short sellers would want to close their positions before the weekend in order to avoid any uncertainties. So in the coming days, Wilmar share price should recover some lost grounds.

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Sunningdale Tech share price to smash $2.50?

Sign up for only $19.99! Is it light at end of tunnel for Sunningdale Tech? FY2019 had been an absolute nightmare for the Group as the precision plastic component supplier recorded its lowest profit in the past 5 years. However, based on the recent financial performance, it appears to me that the management has achieved an impressive turnaround. Will Sunningdale Tech share price storm to $2.50?

Talks of Sunningdale Tech reclaiming its former glory are not without basis as several catalysts swing in favour of Sunningdale Tech share price. Based on the recent 1HFY2020 result, net asset value (NAV) stood at $2.00. This means that Sunningdale Tech share price is being traded below its book value.

Sunningdale Tech share price

Secondly, Quarz Capital had increased its stake to become a substantial shareholder. This is definitely an intriguing development for Sunningdale Tech as Quarz Capital is known for being a activist fund which unlocked value for shareholders. In 2018, Quarz Capital had called on the management to return more cash to shareholders.

Then, on 9 September, another intriguing development unfolded for Sunningdale Tech as the Group announced that “Company had been approached in relation to a possible transaction involving the shares of the Company”.

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Wilmar share price to rocket to $7?

Sign up for only $19.99! Will Wilmar share price recapture its former glory and hit $7? The last time that Wilmar share price was trading at such bandwidth was more than a decade ago. That was the land before time.

Mid October of 2020 seems to be an auspicious period for mega deals. You have the Ant Group IPO and the merger of Capitamall Trust and CapitaLand Commercial Trust. And then there is Wilmar’s mega listing of  Yihai Kerry Arawana Holdings Co., Ltd (YKA) on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ChiNext Board. Question now is: will Wilmar share price hit $7 in the coming days?

Wilmar share price to hit the roof in 2020?

Wilmar share price in lung bursting form

Wilmar share price

In January 2020, I wrote that Wilmar share price had bottomed out and was poised for a major surge because of the catalyst of the China unit IPO. However, COVID-19 pandemic came along and walloped Wilmar share price to rock bottom price of $2.90.

Since March 2020, Wilmar share price steadily climbed to almost hit $5.00 in August when another toxic development knocked the wind out of Wilmar share price. On 20 August, major shareholder, Archer Daniels Midland, had sold 170.5 million Wilmar at $4.40.

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make money

How to Make Money with SEO in 2020

SEO might be a familiar word for you but have you ever wondered what it is? How does it work? How can you make money with SEO?

The last question may be of more interest but first, let’s see what is SEO. It stands for search engine optimization. It is a marketing strategy that is used to keep your website visible on search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

Search engines do not know which website I to show first in search results or which website has more credible and relevant content. These are SEO tools that allow the search engine to rank a website based on how responsive and user friendly a website is with more traffic.


You can get SEO services from many companies and can check from SEO Singapore and other services.

SEO generates more backlinks for a website to enhance its credibility. They recommend the keywords that are mostly used by internet users within a search query. These are a few examples of how SEO increased traffic and make a website more visible for search engines.

Check out this blog to see why SEO are so important for a website. SEO works for websites but it also works for you.

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CMT share price to collapse to $1.10?

Sign up for only $19.99! Is it a match made in heaven or the start of a nightmare? On 29 September, unitholders of CapitaLand Mall Trust (CMT) and CapitaLand Commercial Trust (CCT) voted in favour of the merger between the two REITs. However, CMT share price fell from $2.00 on 30 September to $1.90 on 2 October. What on earth happened to CMT share price?

Capitamall Trust (CMT) share price in berserk form!

CapitaLand Mall Trust unit price in explosive form

CMT share price

Apparently, some investors were puzzled by the bearish form of CMT share price and wrote in to seek my insights. Hands on heart, I view the merger positively because it will lead to the largest REIT in Singapore and provides higher trading liquidity. The issue now is whether the acquisition takes place at the right time.

With CMT struggling to deal with the fallout from COVID-19 pandemic, it seems that CMT could be biting more than it could chew. In fact, on 1 October, Moody’s downgraded the credit ratings for CMT from A2 to A3. The downgrade soured the outlook for CMT share price.

To support the acquisition, each CCT unit would be acquired at 0.720 new CMT Units and $0.2590 in cash.

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Ant IPO and Temasek Holdings

Sign up for only $19.99! Hailed as the biggest IPO in financial history, the upcoming Ant IPO has generated plenty of hype among the investment community. What makes Ant IPO so unique is the dual listing in Shanghai’s Star Market (China’s answer to US Nasdaq) and Hong Kong Exchange. The listing also takes place against the backdrop of a bitter trade war between US and China.

Many analysts had valued Ant IPO between USD250 billion to USD300 billion. At such valuations, Ant IPO would easily surpass Aramco’s USD29 billion IPO in December 2019. Given the investment moats and financial performances of Ant Group, such valuations are not surprising to me.

The flagship product of Ant is Alipay, a super online payment app. The scale of Alipay is simply mind-boggling – 711 million monthly  active users, 80 million monthly active merchants and more than 2000 partner financial institutions. Essentially, Ant is a fintech but unlike many technology companies like Uber or Grab, Ant is very profitable. This is one of most appealing aspects of the Ant IPO.

Ant’s digital finance business in China is also unparalleled, occupying the top market positions in China for its CreditTech, InvestmentTech and InsureTech. Based on these factors, I am of the view that Ant IPO will be a success.

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Keppel share price crashed to 11 year low

Sign up for only $19.99! What a disaster for Keppel share price! On 24 September, Keppel share price plunged to $4.10, the lowest in the past decade. The devastating spell of value destruction must have left a bitter taste in investors’ mouth. After all, Keppel share price had enjoyed a splendid run, surging from $5.80 to $7.00 when Temasek Holdings announced $4.1 billion conditional offer to control Keppel Corp in October 2019.

Keppel share price

Indeed, the crisis of confidence in Keppel share price is largely attributed to the bombshell announcement on 1 August 2020 by Temasek Holdings not to proceed with the partial offer for Keppel. The investment company had invoked the pre-condition of material adverse change in the Group’s financial performance and walked away from the deal.

Keppel share price in winter wonderland with Temasek Holdings

Can Keppel share price meet the great expectations of Temasek Holdings?

The dramatic turn of event had led to the collapse of Keppel share price, which fell from $5.40 to the present abysmal level. Whether the current Keppel share price represents a golden buying opportunity is subject to debate. But based on the market sentiments, this counter should be bearish for at least the next couple of months.

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Sembcorp Industries share price will hit $3.00

Sign up for only $19.99! It could be the blockbuster IPO of the year. While Singtel is singing the blues with its India’s misadventure, Sembcorp Industries share price has been in golden form lately with its potential listing of its India asset – Sembcorp Energy India Ltd (SEIL).

Every dog has its day and confidence means everything in the stock market. Currently, Sembcorp Industries share price appears to be enjoying a splendid run since the fateful demerger from Sembcorp Marine.  Can the leading energy and urban development group achieve a critical business turnaround?

Sembcorp Industries to smash $3.00 with India IPO?

Sembcorp Industries share price to hit $5.00 after demerger?

Sembcorp Industries share price

Within the SGX Mainboard, business turnarounds are far and a few. One of the rare exceptional cases is AEM Holdings, which I had previously invested in (and subsequently sold off). Sembcorp Industries share price could have the opportunity to join this exclusive club following the culmination of a series of bold business moves. In fact, I am convinced that Sembcorp Industries share price will hit $3.00 in the coming months.

With Temasek Holdings holding 50% stake, it is only a matter of when, and not if, that Sembcorp Industries share price recovers to the $3.00 mark.

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Sembcorp Industries share price to smash $3.00 with India IPO?

Sign up for only $19.99! On 16 September 2020, I invested in Sembcorp Industries (SCI). My entry price for Sembcorp Industries share price was $1.35. The decision to enter this counter was after my research done for my previous article “Sembcorp Industries share price to hit $5 after demerger?”

In my previous article, I shared that the catalyst for Sembcorp Industries share price is not the demerger of the loss-making Sembcorp Marine. To truly unlock the full value of Sembcorp Industries share price, the management must continue its effort in recycle capital through its energy and urban assets. And one of the major catalysts for Sembcorp Industries share price is the listing of the India business unit, Sembcorp Energy India Ltd (SEIL).

Sembcorp Industries share price

According to a report written by Phillip Capital written on 9 September 2020, the estimated value of the listing is worth a staggering $1.8 billion. However, given the current climate, the IPO value should be at most $1.5 billion. With such tremendous catalyst, Sembcorp Industries share price could potentially hit $3.00. After all, Sembcorp Industries share price is traded at $2.13 as of 16 September 2020 post-SCM demerger ($1.34 + (4.911 x $0.16)).

According to the SEIL recent annual report, the total assets amounted to INR 268 billion while total liabilities amounted to INR 168 billion.

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CapitaLand share price worth $5.00?

Sign up for only $19.99! Being a diversified real estate giant, CapitaLand needs no introduction. Question now is: does CapitaLand share price offer value? CapitaLand share price is now being traded at $2.75, representing Price/Book Value of just 0.557. This means that the book value should be about $5.00 per share. At current price level, this counter is indeed being traded at a massive discount, no thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CapitaLand share price flying with Liang Court redevelopment

CapitaLand share price set for explosive bull run?

CapitaLand share price and the Golden Job

CapitaLand share price

Despite the damaging impact of COVID-19 pandemic, CapitaLand share price has been quite rock solid. If investors look back, this counter has not bombed out to the $1.85 level last seen during the Global Financial Crisis. In fact, the last time CapitaLand share was trading at current level was in 2015. Even during the March 2020 market rout, this counter only tanked to $2.60.

The resilient of CapitaLand share price is attributed to the strong institutional ownership – Temasek Holdings own 52% stake, while Blackrock holds 4.8%. Beyond the solid support from the big boys, I also noticed that ROE has steadily increased from 6.7% in FY2016 to 10.1% in FY2019.

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AEM share price in crisis of confidence?

Sign up for only $19.99! On 4 September, I sold off all my AEM shares when AEM share price was trading at $3.85. After factoring the dividends (May and August 2020) and the brokerage fees, the total returns amounted to $5,500. This returns represented 16% yield over a period of 5 months. The decision to exit this counter was partially due to the recent corrections in Dow Jones and Nasdaq.

AEM share price ready for Nasdaq listing?

AEM share price worth $10?

AEM share price rocked by Intel

AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?


AEM share price

Will I regret selling AEM shares? After all, I had been so bullish with this counter for the past few months. To be honest, I don’t know the answer. All I know is that with a 5-year beta of 2.13, AEM share price is much more volatile than Singapore bank stocks. So even though the fundamentals of AEM remain strong, its stock price will be extremely volatile in the near term.

Given the volatility of AEM share price, I guess I will have plenty of sleepless nights if I continue to hold on to the shares. I would rather cash in now and live to fight another day.

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Singtel share price crashed to 12-year low

Sign up for only $19.99! On 3 September 2020, US market crashed with Dow Jones tumbling more than 800 points while Nasdaq collapsed nearly 5%. Is this the end of the US stock market rally? Over in Singapore, Singtel share price is also not spared from the bloodbath as the counter crashed to a 12-year low.

Given the turn of events, the narrative for Singtel share price has turned sombre. Should investors run for their lives or keep faith with CEO Chua Sock Koong?

Singtel share price

Singtel share price braces for bloodbath

Singtel share price to collapse to $1.50?

Singtel share price in devastating bloodbath

Singtel share price to swim or sink with coronavirus?

At current trading price of $2.25, Singtel share price is [This is a premium article. The rest of the content is blocked and can be accessible by SG Wealth Builder Members only. To read the full content, please sign up as member.]

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Intel share price in 5G evolution

Sign up for only $19.99! Amid the on-going bull run of technology stocks, the ailing Intel share price stood out like a sore thumb. With a P/E ratio of just 9.3, Intel share price is currently being traded at levels way below its competitors, (e.g. AMD and Qualcomm). AMD share price is being traded at P/E ratio of 163 while Qualcomm share price is traded at 50. As one of the leading lights of Nasdaq, has Intel share price lost its shine?

Intel share price

AEM  ready for Nasdaq listing?

AEM share price worth $10?

AEM share price rocked by Intel

AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?

Year-to-date, Intel share price has fallen by 16%. This is in deep contrast to the PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index (SOX), which soared 20% year-to-date. Furthermore, Nasdaq index has soared to record highs for the past few weeks. So the fall of Intel share price must have given investors plenty of sleepless nights.

The plunge of Intel share price was largely attributed to the delayed release of its next-generation 7nm chips. Prior to this event, Intel share price got hit when Apple announced that it would ditch Intel chips for its Mac computers. Following these bombshell announcements, Intel share price got walloped to abysmal levels.

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Accordia Golf Trust share price in final fantasy?

Sign up for only $19.99! Should investors of Accordia Golf Trust run for their lives or fight to their very end by blocking the upcoming assets divestment deal? On 29 June, the trust announced that it is selling its 88 golf courses for $804.1 million. And then on 7 August, the trust came back with a revised offer of $848.4 million. The announcements sent Accordia Golf Trust share price to hit a three-year high.

Accordia Golf Trust share price

Accordia Golf Trust debut in SGX mainboard only in 2014. So the divestment announcement should come as a shock to many investors as it is proposed that trust to be wind up after the divestment of the golf assets. Nevertheless, the proposed divestment did help to lift Accordia Golf Trust share price from $0.44 on 19 March to the recent $0.74.

The total distributions issued amounted to 31.42 cents. So for those who had held the units till now, the returns would have been quite decent. But I would not say that this counter is an ideal dividend play because Accordia Golf Trust share price has been pretty volatile in recent years.

As a matter of fact, it appears to me that Accordia Golf Trust is capable of self-imploding.

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AEM share price ready for Nasdaq listing?

Sign up for only $19.99!It’s a major coup. On 24 August 2020, AEM Holdings appointed Samer Kabbani as Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Amid the global downturn due to the fallout from COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are downsizing and retrenching staff. AEM bucks the trend to continue its aggressive expansion. Investors reacted well to the news and gave AEM share price yet another short-lived lift.

AEM share price worth $10?

AEM share price rocked by Intel

AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?

AEM share price to hit $50 on NASDAQ listing?

AEM share price in explosive bull run!

AEM share price

The appointment of the CTO has heightened investors’ hopes of a Nasdaq dual listing, which is widely deemed as the holy-grail for AEM share price. While it is not a requirement for companies seeking listing in Nasdaq to appoint a CTO, applicants are required to appoint a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Thus, the appointment of Ms Leong Sook Han as AEM’s CFO on 9 June 2020 could be a move to comply with a potential Nasdaq listing.

The appointment of the CTO is an interesting one though as Mr Kabbani held senior positions in AEM’s overseas competitors – Advantest, Astronics Test Systems and Cohu.

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Gold; silver

Gold price at turning point?

Is this the right time to buy gold? In August, gold price suffered one of the worst sell-downs in recent years when it fell from USD2055 per troy ounce on 7 August 2020 to USD1885 on 12 August 2020. Subsequently, gold price recovered to the USD1940 bandwidth in the following two weeks. What had caused the pull-back in gold price in early August?

Gold price smashed to record high

Year-to-date, gold price has surged by a whopping 28%. So the current correction in gold price may represent a good window of opportunity for wealth builders to buy bullion or bullion savings programs before gold price soars again. To put things into perspective, much of the increase in gold price in 2020 is attributed to the monetary stimulus measures introduced by US government in March 2020. The recent plunge in gold price in August is also largely due to the US monetary stimulus, or the lack of it in August 2020.

gold price

Against the backdrop of economy slow-down caused by COVID-19 pandemic, gold price has been in buoyant form in 2020 because the precious metal is viewed as a safe haven. So the recent correction in gold price must have confounded many wealth builders.

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Singtel share price braces for bloodbath

Sign up for only $19.99! Is this the beginning of the end for Singtel share price? Following the release of a set of terrible 1Q results, Singtel share price seems set for another roller coaster ride. In my previous article, I wrote that I had feared the worst for Singtel share price, citing this counter as vulnerable target for short-sellers. On the basis of the current Singtel share price, I think my concerns had been valid.

Singtel share price to collapse to $1.50?

Singtel share price in devastating bloodbath

Singtel share price to swim or sink with coronavirus?

Singtel share price in double trouble

Singtel share price faces disaster

Singtel share price

Many investors argued that the best chance for accumulation of blue chips is when the counter sinks into the rock bottom. To this end, I do not disagree but is it really the right time to enter Singtel? You certainly don’t want to catch a falling knife. Also, you don’t want to clash with the big boys when they are shorting Singtel share price.

Data do not lie. In 2019, Singtel share price declined from $3.60 in July to $3.15 in August. In 2018, this counter fell from $3.30 in July to a low of $2.80 by end of the year.

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Sembcorp Industries share price to hit $5 after demerger?

Sign up for only $19.99!

For the longest time, I hold back writing about the impact of the demerger to Sembcorp Industries (SCI) share price because you never know if the shareholders would do a “Keppel”. Now that 99% of the shareholders had voted for the demerger, I think it is time opportune to pen down the potential long-term impacts on Sembcorp Industries share price.

Hyflux to sink or swim with Sembcorp Industries?

Sembcorp Industries Ltd

When the $2.1 billion recapitalization of Sembcorp Marine was announced on 8 June 2020, I can imagine long-term investors of Sembcorp Industries being overwhelmed with emotions. I can certainly relate to their agony. Indeed, investing in this counter is no fun. Sembcorp Industries share price used to trade at $5.50 in 2014. Then the oil slump of 2015-16 came along to mess things up for its marine subsidiary, Sembcorp Marine (SCM). Consequently, Sembcorp Industries share price got walloped left, right and centre.

Sembcorp Industries share price

The devastating COVID-19 and the collapse of oil prices have led many to view SCM as a fast sinking ship. Prior to 2020, SCM had dragged down SCI’s financial performances for years because of the ailing oil and gas sector. This resulted in SCM borrowing $2 billion of subordinated loan from SCI in June 2019.

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OCBC share price ambushed by MAS


Will OCBC share price see daylight? The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the entire world and causes Singapore economy to shrink by a whopping 13.2 percent for 2nd quarter on a year-on-year basis. Given that bank stocks are highly sensitive to economy condition, OCBC share price is expected to face a bitter winter ahead.

OCBC share price

With the highest Common Equity Tier 1 among the three local banks, OCBC continues to be the strongest Singapore bank. It is this trait that gives me the conviction in OCBC share price. But whether the management can leverage on this position of strength amid the pandemic crisis is a big question mark.

OCBC share price in horror show

OCBC share price in explosive free fall

OCBC share price in devastating bloodbath

OCBC share price to increase three-fold in decade?

OCBC share price led to my first investment in decade

To further complicate matters for OCBC share price, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) implemented a series of measures to ensure the financial stability of the local banks. One of the key measures implemented in April 2020 was the restriction of shares buybacks in exchange for the loosening of some capital requirements.

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AEM share price swims or sinks with Intel lawsuit?


Crisis? What crisis? Following the Intel fiasco, AEM share price shrugged off all talks of impending crisis by staging a magnificent comeback after the announcement of a set of stellar 1HFY2020 financial results. But before AEM investors get carried away, dark clouds loom ahead that may derail AEM share price.

AEM share price worth $10?

AEM share price rocked by Intel

AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?

AEM share price in fist of fiery

AEM share price to rock and roll with Singtel?

AEM share price to sink or swim with Huawei ban?

AEM share price to hit $50 on NASDAQ listing?

AEM share price in explosive bull run!

AEM share price

On 28 July 2020, it was reported that a group of US investors had filed a lawsuit against Intel for “failing to disclose material adverse facts about the company’s business”. The lawsuit alleged Intel for failing to disclose to shareholders that Intel had identified the defect mode in the 7-nm chip, resulting in the yield degradation. One member is concerned enough to write in and sought my views on whether the Intel lawsuit could affect AEM share price.

Evidently, the Intel lawsuit spooked the hell out of major shareholders.

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DBS Group Holdings share price & Piyush Gupta


Will CEO Piyush Gupta come to the rescue of DBS Group Holdings share price? During the 2014 oil crisis, DBS Group Holdings share price had collapsed 36% to reach a bottom of $13.60. In 2016, CEO Piyush Gupta had bought the company shares at around the price range of $13.90. From the day he bought DBS shares, this counter went on a rampage to hit a record $30 in April 2018.

DBS Group share price to melt with 41% GDP drop?

DBS Group Holdings share in bloodbath with Hin Leong

DBS Group Holdings share in explosive meltdown

DBS Group share price in dark chapter with virus

DBS Group Holdings share price ambushed by coronavirus?

DBS Group Holdings share price

The entry of Piyush Gupta would provide the perfect buying signal for DBS Group Holdings share price. But the current crisis is entirely different as COVID-19 pandemic presents a formidable challenge. To make things even more complicated for DBS Group Holdings share price, the banking sector is hit by a slew of Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) measures.

On 18 July 2020, I wrote an article on DBS Group Holdings share price stating that the counter would hover between $21 and $23.

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AEM share price worth $10?

National Day Special Offer!

It’s official. AEM’s market capitalization raced past the $1 billion mark after AEM share price stormed past $4.00 following the release of a stellar 1HFY2020 result. Question now is: will AEM share price hit $5.00 in the coming days? This is the stock price that would take the market capitalization of AEM to USD1 billion, a level that would pave the way for a Nasdaq listing. Is this stock worth $10 in the long-run?

AEM share price rocked by Intel

AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?

AEM share price in fist of fiery

AEM share price to rock and roll with Singtel?

AEM share price to sink or swim with Huawei ban?

AEM share price to hit $50 on NASDAQ listing?

AEM share price in explosive bull run!

The comeback of AEM share price is certainly impressive as it came on the back of the epic Intel fiasco. The US chip maker had recently announced a six-month delay in its 7-nm chips. That news knocked the wind out of AEM share price, which plunged as much as 7% the following day. But damage control is made as management announced an upward revenue guidance to be in the range between $460 million to $480 million.

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StarHub share price in dangerous mood

National Day Special Offer!

On 27 July 2020, StarHub announced the abrupt retirement of its CEO Peter Kaliaropoulos. The bombshell revelation is likely to add more pressure on StarHub share price in the coming weeks. The CEO’s sudden departure also coincides with the period of time in which the telco is about to announce the 1HFY2020 results (7 August 2020). In view of this, many investors can’t help but fear the worst for StarHub share price.

StarHub share price losing in telco war

StarHub share price crashed into wall

StarHub share price in last tango?

StarHub share price to face $282 million baptism of fire

Peter Kaliaropoulos was appointed as StarHub CEO in July 2008. During his tenure, StarHub share price had never crossed the $2.00 mark. Instead, the past two years saw StarHub share price on a path of destruction. Currently, StarHub share price has slumped to an abysmal $1.25, a shadow of its former self when it was trading as high as $4.00 in 2016. In view of this, should shareholders short StarHub share price to hedge their investments?

StarHub share price

To be fair to Peter Kaliaropoulos, he did try his best to revive the fortunes of the ailing telco through digital transformation, cost-cutting measures and identifying growth opportunities.

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Gold price smashed to record high

National Day Special Offer!

It seems that gold price has upturned the downturn. Amid the devastating impacts of COVID-19 pandemic, gold price climbed to a high of USD1,900 per troy ounce. At this level, gold price surpassed the previous high last seen in 2011. Is this a bubble in the making or the start of a multi-year bull run for gold price?

Against the backdrop of soaring gold price, a member enquired what should be the investment strategies that one could undertake amid the downturn. Indeed, it is almost 6 months since the outbreak of the virus. In view of this, I do think that it is time opportune to take stock of the situation and the investment strategies to undertake.

gold price

On 2 February 2020, I wrote an article, “Wuhan virus offers three opportunities to build wealth”. In that article, I had doubts that gold price would hit USD1,900 per troy ounce. Instead, I predicted that the on-going uncertainties would lead to an increase of gold price by at least 10%. However, the current form of gold price had proven me wrong. Nevertheless, if investors had bought gold at USD1,580 per troy ounce back in February 2020, they would be sitting on handsome profits now.

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AEM share price rocked by Intel

SIGN UP FOR $10 TO UNLOCK ALL ARTICLES! AEM share price suffered an explosive meltdown on 24 July 2020 following news of Intel’s announcement of delay in production of 7nm-based CPU for about 6 months. The bombshell revelation caused AEM share price to drop by as much as 7% the next trading day. Is this the beginning of the end for AEM share price or should investors buy on the dip?

AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?

AEM share price in fist of fiery

AEM share price to rock and roll with Singtel?

AEM share price to sink or swim with Huawei ban?

AEM share price to hit $50 on NASDAQ listing?

AEM share price in explosive bull run!

AEM share price

To be fair to Intel, the 2Q financial result was actually quite decent as revenue increased by a staggering 20% year-on-year to reach USD19.7 billion. This performance exceeded most analysts’ predictions. On the basis of Intel’s stellar results, I expect AEM’s upcoming 1HFY2020 financial result to be robust as well, thereby turbo-charging AEM share price.

Question now is: will AEM share price explode in second wave with a potential contract win with Qualcomm or spiral out of control with Intel? Speculations about a contract win with Qualcomm is not baseless following the acquisition of DB Design Group Inc on 22 July 2020.

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AEM share price to rocket to $5.00?

SIGN UP FOR $10 TO UNLOCK ALL ARTICLES! Will AEM share price fulfil its destiny as the King of Technology Stock in SGX? AEM share price has been in buoyant mood in the past week, soaring by as high as 17% on 21 July 2020. Admittedly, the rise has not been linear as AEM share price experienced some loss of form in June.

The upcoming 1H financial result must have given a boost to AEM share price as investors bought ahead of the earning release. Many analysts had hyped up AEM share price and re-rated the target price following the strong growth in electronics sector amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

AEM share price in fist of fiery

AEM share price to rock and roll with Singtel?

AEM share price to sink or swim with Huawei ban?

AEM share price to hit $50 on NASDAQ listing?

AEM share price in explosive bull run!

AEM share price

As the purported key supplier for Intel, AEM share price had ridden on the growth of the US semiconductor company in recent years. It’s competitive edge lies in its first-mover advantage of its test equipment for Intel in 2016 – High Density Modular Test (HDMT) semiconductor test handler platform. The volume ramp and higher sales led to surging run of AEM share price for the past four years.

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SPH share price at mercy of OCBC Bank?


It is that “uh-oh” feeling for SPH share price again. As an OCBC shareholder, I have a special interest in SPH share price. Why is this so? After all, this article is about SPH share price and not OCBC bank. Read on to find out why.

Troubles certainly come in troops for SPH share price. In the 3rd quarter business update, SPH management revealed that COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in revenue from print advertisement plummeting 51% year-on-year while rental income from its Singapore retail assets also got hit due to the circuit breaker from April to June. To rub salt into the wound, one of its aged care assets (Orange Valley) was a COVID-19 cluster (thankfully all affected patients had been discharged).

SPH share price assassinated by short sellers

SPH share price in Halloween nightmare

SPH share price plunged to record 14-year low

SPH share price in disaster

SPH share price

Given the gloomy backdrop, SPH share price continued its downward journey to the bottom of the cliff. Should shareholders hang on for their lives or throw in the towel? In my opinion, current SPH share price is so bad its good.  At 0.5 to its book value, SPH share price is indeed trading at very attractive level.

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DBS Group share price to melt with 41% GDP drop?

SIGN UP FOR $10 TO UNLOCK ALL ARTICLES! It’s official. Singapore has entered into recession following the 41.2% GDP drop in the 2nd quarter from the preceding three months. As the bellwether of the economy, the financial performance of the banks is sensitive to the economy condition. In this regard, will DBS Group share price melt in the coming weeks?

DBS Group Holdings share in bloodbath with Hin Leong

DBS Group Holdings share in explosive meltdown

DBS Group share price in dark chapter with virus

DBS Group Holdings share price ambushed by coronavirus?

DBS Group share price

The mind-blowing decline of 2Q’s GDP is obviously caused by the COVID-19 and the resulting circuit-breaker measures. Many analysts shuddered to think what would have happened if the government did not implement the four budgets worth nearly $100 billion. The rescue packages helped to mitigate the impact for most businesses and stave off mass unemployment. Looking back, this could be the major factor why DBS Group share price had not collapsed to abysmal levels until now.

Despite the devastating effect of COVID-19 pandemic, year-to-date, DBS Group share price had corrected about 18%. The bearish form was because the bank has a huge loan exposure of $85 billion in the building and construction industry.

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