Month: October 2022


Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) withdrawal

Lifetime Membership Following my previous article, “My first CPF top up”, a member of SG Wealth Builder wrote in to enquire on how retirees could withdraw their Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) monies without incurring income tax. In this article, I will share some of my insights on SRS withdrawal.

In accordance with the Retirement and Re-employment Act, the statutory retirement age in Singapore is raised to 63 in 2022. In the context of SRS, this change is significant as it could affect the penalty and tax liability upon SRS withdrawal.

SRS withdrawal

Unlike CPF withdrawal, you can make SRS withdrawal anytime. However, if the SRS withdrawal is made before the statutory retirement age prevailing at the time of the first contribution, 100% of the sum withdrawn will be subject to tax. A 5% penalty for premature withdrawal will also be imposed.

According to IRAS, “Withdrawals are penalty-free only if they take place on or after the statutory retirement age (63 effective from 1 Jul 2022) that was prevailing at the time of your first SRS contribution (i.e. prescribed retirement age). If you have already opened an SRS account and made your first contribution, any subsequent change in the statutory retirement age (e.g.

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My first CPF top up

Lifetime Membership Last weekend, I made my first CPF top up to my spouse’s CPF Special Account. The cash top up of $8,000 was meant to be a birthday gift to supplement her retirement savings but I have decided to do it on an annual basis going forward. Previously, I have written in this blog that I would never do a CPF top up for myself nor my loved ones. This is because CPF top up is irreversible. In this article, I will share the reasons for the change of heart.

By making CPF top up to our Special or Retirement Accounts, we can grow our retirement savings through attractive CPF attractive rates. In doing so, we will enjoy higher monthly pay-outs when we retire. Currently, savings in the Special Account (SA) and Retirement Account (RA) earn interest of 4% per annum. The first $60,000 of your combined balances (capped at $20,000 for Ordinary Account) earns an extra 1% interest per annum. If we start young, the compounding effect of the interest rate could snowball our retirement savings to a significant amount through the decades.

CPF top up

Apart from growing our retirement savings, CPF top up also allows us to enjoy tax relief.

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AEM share price sank into quicksand

Lifetime Membership From $4.14 on 7 October to the $3.10 mark at the point of writing, AEM share price (SGX: AWX) suffered a devastating meltdown of 25% within two weeks. The spellbinding collapse of AEM share price must have knocked the wind out of shell-shocked investors, sending shockwave to the local market.

To be frank, I am still processing what had happened to AEM share price. For the past two weeks, I have been asking myself if my investment thesis for AEM is still valid. As such, I am writing this article to pen down some of my thoughts. Hopefully, sanity will be restored for AEM share price in the coming weeks.

AEM share price

Troubles certainly came in troops for AEM share price. On 12 October, news reports surfaced that Intel is going to lay off workers amid steep decline for its core business – PC processors. The move by Intel to cut costs may be attributed to the upcoming third quarter financial result, which is likely to be dismal. If investors recall, Intel suffered a brutal US$500 million loss in the second quarter. The troubles faced by Intel rattled AEM share price as the latter derived the majority of its revenue from the US chip maker.

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SATS share price blew up in pieces

Lifetime Membership The featured company for this article is SATS Ltd. The last time that I covered the food solutions and gateway service provider was more than two years ago. Back then, the company was struggling to contain the fallout from the pandemic. Time files. In the blink of an eye, pandemic is quickly fading into distant memory as Singapore fully opens its borders. Recently, one of the members of SG Wealth Builder requested for my insights following the bizarre meltdown of SATS share price.

The recent collapse of SATS share price must have caught the attention of many investors as it came on the back of a strong recovery in travel demand. Like many aviation stocks such as SIA and SIAEC, SATS share price has recovered to about 80% of the pre-pandemic levels prior to the recent plunge. In fact, SATS share price had been in robust form as travel recovery led to an improvement in its business performance. And then out of nowhere, SATS share price suffered a devastating train-wreck.

SATS share price

On 28 September 2022, the market reacted violently to the announcement of the $1.755 billion acquisition of Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) Global Holdings. Consequently, all hell broke loose for SATS share price as short-selling volume swelled to a high of 25 million in the final week of September.

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DBS Group Holdings share price in Black October?

Lifetime Membership In stock market, October has a psychological effect on investors as some of the worst market crashes happened in this month – the stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987. If investors look back, Wall Street ripped the world apart with Dow Jones plunging by 832 points on 11 October 2018. Back then, Straits Times Index (STI) took the cue and fell by 84 points. Then in October 2020, Dow Jones collapsed by a whopping 2000 points. In this context, how will DBS Group Holdings share price unravel in October 2022?

Back in August 2022, I wrote that DBS Group Holdings share price could be in for a rough ride following the release of a set of new property cooling measures. True enough, the authorities did unleash a set of new cooling measures on 29 September 2022 to rein in the relentless rising property prices in Singapore.

DBS Group Holdings share price

In that article, I predicted that the loan-to-value (LTV) limit for bank loans would be lowered from 75% to 70%. Further, I was expecting the Additional Buyer Stamp Duty (ABSD) to be raised yet again. It turned out that the LTV limit for HDB loans and the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) were tightened instead.

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ESR-LOGOS REIT (SGX: J91U) in whole new world!

Lifetime Membership This is my first article on ESR-LOGOS REIT (SGX: J91U) after the merger between ESR REIT and ALOG. Shares of the combined entities started trading from 5 May 2022 but the unit price had been dropping like flies. Year-to-date, the counter collapsed by a whopping 26%. With no end in sight, the falling unit price of ESR-LOGOS REIT is indeed disturbing for unitholders.

Unitholders from both ESR REIT and ALOG camps had been very supportive of the merger, with 98.4% of the former and 94.8% of the latter voting in favour of the merger. On this basis, the bearish form of ESR-LOGOS REIT is unlikely due to sell-offs by disgruntled unitholders. Rather, the decline in unit price of ESR-LOGOS REIT should be attributed to the challenging market conditions and the issuance of new units to fund the acquisition of ALOG units.

ESR-LOGOS REITThe total consideration for the merger was approximately $1.4 billion based on the scheme consideration of $0.95 for each ALOG unit. 1.6765 new ESR-REIT units were issued for each ALOG units, issued at $0.51.

It is not difficult to understand why unitholders had voted overwhelmingly for the merger. Post-merger, ESR-LOGOS REIT will ascend to one of the top ten largest S-REIT by market capitalization.

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