Month: October 2021

Self improvement

Selling combs to monk

Lifetime Membership  The story of selling combs to monk is an age-old story that never fails to inspire me to become a better version of wealth builder. Most people regard it as a motivational story for salesmen to achieve sales target. But I see it as otherwise because the learning points can also be applied in investing, career development and entrepreneurship.

I have adapted the story for the sake of my followers. But before proceeding, readers must note that this article is not meant to mock any religion nor aim to make fun of any professionals. My objective is to inspire readers to learn how to be better wealth builders. In today’s context, this is important because hard work alone would get you nowhere in this competitive society.


Once upon a time, a merchant who owned a comb factory in Singapore wanted to penetrate the huge China. Thus, he advertised for a position of Regional Sales Manager in the newspaper. Understandably, many applicants applied for the job. Therefore, during the interview sessions, he asked the applicants on how they would sell combs to monks. Many of the candidates were stumped by his question because we all know monks do not need combs.

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SGX stocks on ice and fire with energy crisis

Lifetime Membership As the saying goes, one man’s poison is another man’s meat. While the energy crisis in China threatens to derail the country’s economic growth, it has inadvertently led to an increased in demand for oil. As a matter of fact, crude oil price is currently trading at a 3-year high of US$81.33 per barrel. Against this backdrop, what is the implication for SGX stocks?

For SGX stocks in the oil and gas sector, the current oil price boom is like a cup of hot chocolate amid the fierce winter. The last time that oil price was so buoyant was in October 2014. That was seven years ago. Since then, the emergence of US shale oil and supply glut from Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC) caused oil price to plunge by a devastating 70%. The lowest point for crude oil price had to be April 2020. That was the peak of the pandemic which saw demand for oil vaporized due to the global lockdowns.

SGX stocks

Looking back, the meltdown of crude oil price and the fallout from the pandemic had been a turning point for many SGX stocks in the oil and gas sector. Big boys like Keppel Corp and Sembcorp Marine had signed a non-binding MOU in June 2021 to merge their oil-rig building businesses.

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SIA share price (SGX: C6L) in explosive form

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Christmas comes early for investors as SIA share price (SGX: C6L) went on a rampage following news of the launch of the eight Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTLs) with countries in US and Europe. Surely, it is a case of being at the right time and right place for SIA share price (SGX: C6L). The year-end festive season is traditionally SIA’s best quarter as travel demands typically increase with the December school holidays. So is it really the proverbial “U-shape” recovery or yet another false dawn for SIA share (SGX: C6L)?

Expectation of a long-awaited recovery for SIA share price (SGX: C6L) has reached an almost hysterical level for many investors. After all, we are talking about Singapore Airlines, the pride of our nation.

SIA share price C6L

For SIA investors, it must have been a bitter sweet feeling. The rights issues and the two tranches of Mandatory Convertible Bonds (MCBs) had diluted the share’s value to the $3.50 bandwidth in 2020. That was really the darkest chapter for SIA share price (SGX: C6L) as air travel was decimated by the devastating pandemic with no ends in sight. Subsequently, the revelation of a 90% effective vaccine (Pfizer) sent SIA share price (SGX: C6L) soaring by 21% in November 2020.

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OCBC share price (SGX: O39) to rocket to Mars!

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Crisis? What crisis? Being the oldest bank in Singapore, OCBC has seen the ebbs and flows of Singapore financial landscape, overcoming crises after crises for nearly 100 years. The unfolding pandemic crisis is no exception. Yet as we enter the endemic phase, uncertainties engulfed OCBC share price (SGX: O39) over concerns of potential exposure over the China’s Evergrande Group.

OCBC owns two banks in China – Wing Hang Bank and a 20% stake in Bank of Ningbo. Thus, it is not unreasonable for investors to be worried over the potential fallout from the embattled Evergrande Group. To make matters worse, the bank had not made any official clarifications that it does not carry any bad debts from Evergrande, probably due to the banking secrecy law. Arising from the uncertainties, OCBC share price (SGX: O39) turned bearish from August to September 2021.

OCBC share price O39

Nonetheless, the lethargic form of OCBC share price (SGX: O39) did not last long as Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS) confirmed that Singapore banks have “insignificant” exposure to Evergrande. Following this revelation, OCBC share price (SGX: O39) surged 3.5% from 5 October to reach $11.90 on 14 October. On the basis of the current form, it seems that OCBC share price (SGX: O39) will recover lost ground and could smash past $14 by year end.

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Medtecs share price (SGX: 546) in bloody crash

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a devastating train-wreck for Medtecs share price (SGX: 546)! After reaching an incredible record high of $1.80 on 21 August 2020, Medtecs share price (SGX: 546) collapsed 78% to reach the current low of $0.40. What the hell has happened to this healthcare product provider?

The meteoric rise of Medtecs share price (SGX: 546) on the back of an unprecedented health crisis created one of the amazing fairy-tales in Singapore stock market. Prior to COVID-19, Medtecs share price (SGX: 546) was trading at merely $0.08 (similar to current Sembcorp Marine share price). With the onset of COVID-19, Medtecs share price (SGX: 546) turbocharged to high heavens. Those who exited at the highest price would have laughed their way to the bank. On the other hand, those who entered at the highest would have lost their pants when the stock crashed.

Medtecs share price

Buying into a hype always carry risks but I have to be honest with readers of SG Wealth Builder. When Medtecs share price (SGX: 546) was surging in 2020, I was actually contemplating to adopt a “hit-and-run” strategy for this counter. Ultimately, after much consideration, I chose to invest in AEM instead. The reason for writing this article is because a long-time Lifetime Member of SG Wealth Builder has requested an insight on the fall of Medtecs share price (SGX: 546).

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Singtel share price (SGX: Z74) to rocket to the moon!

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It seems that winter may be over for Singtel share price (SGX: Z74). The counter has been on a bullish form in recent weeks following the announcement of its A$1.9 billion divestment of Australia Tower Network (ATN), a wholly-owned subsidiary which operates Optus’ passive telecommunications tower infrastructure. To put the icing on the cake, Singtel is also creating a regional data centre to capture digital growth. Has Singtel share price (SGX: Z74) reached a turnaround?

Singtel share price Z74

Singtel share price (SGX: Z74) has been on such a trashy form for the past two years that many investors have been left wondering will there be light at end of tunnel for this counter. Nevertheless, the revelation of three new pivots by CEO Yuen Kuan Moon on 27 May 2021 provided much hope for investors. The latest deals affirmed the management’s resolve to execute the CEO’s vision for Singtel growth.

In my previous article, it was highlighted that Singtel’ strategy is to focus on 5G network business, transforming NCS into a B2B powerhouse in Asia and divesting the telco infrastructure assets. Indeed, for the ATN divestment, the management shared that the proceeds will be used to fund “the rollout of 5G and other growth initiatives, including expanding the B2B digital services business in Singapore and Australia through NCS”.

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Money management; personal finance; Investment

SG Wealth Builder Special Offer

Lifetime Membership Since 2010, I have been blogging about money and stocks in SG Wealth Builder. My spouse often asked why am I doing this through the years. After all, I am not compensated for the sharing and my blogging had led to a lot of sacrifice of my family time. Indeed, if I am doing this merely for fame or money, this blog would not have sustained till now. I am talking about 11 years of blogging, not 11 months.

Many bloggers would tell you that building a blog from scratches requires a tremendous amount of effort and time. Sometimes, after years of blogging, there is no guarantee that a blogger can find success in the readership. Along the way, I have seen so many promising bloggers giving up and turned to commenting in other investment forums instead.

The sole reason for the sustainability of SG Wealth Builder is passion. I love doing stock research and sharing my ideas with others. And I love writing because I always thought that to be able to inspire or create a change in others is a form of calling.

At certain stages in my life, I did consider giving up blogging because of my family and career commitments.

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Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51) in $500 million mystery

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP It turns out that the mandatory offer by Temasek Holdings is a “non-event” for Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51). Following the controversial $1.5 billion rights issue, Temasek Holdings’ stake in Sembcorp Marine increased to 46.6%. Consequently, this triggered the mandatory general offer in accordance with Rule 14 of the Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers. True to its words, the offer price from Temasek Holdings remains at $0.08 per share. Given that the current Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51) is higher than the offer price, the chance of privatisation is extremely remote.

Sembcorp Marine share price S51

There has been so many twists and turns for Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51) that investors must feel like the past two years had been a terrifying nightmare. Question now is when will this nightmare end? Will there ever be light at end of tunnel for Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51)?

The next baptism of fire for Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51) should be the upcoming proposed merger with Keppel Offshore and Marine (KOM). As part of the deal, Sembcorp Marine and KOM will combine to form a new listed entity. The newly listed stock would provide an opportunity to “reset” the ailing Sembcorp Marine share price (SGX: S51).

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