Month: June 2021


Sembcorp Marine share price collapsed

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a mayhem for Sembcorp Marine share price! On 24 June, both Sembcorp Marine and Keppel Corp requested trading halts for their counters. The trading halts were in preparation for the release of the epic announcements in relation to the bombshell $1.5 billion rights issue and commencement of merger talks between Sembcorp Marine and Keppel Offshore & Marine (KOM).

Sembcorp Marine share price

For Sembcorp Marine share price, it is a case of lightning strikes twice. The previous rights issue of $2.1 billion took place just in September 2020. And now, within a span of less than a year, Sembcorp Marine has come back to ask for more money from shareholders. To rub salt into injury, the latest cash call amounted to a staggering $1.5 billion, representing 63% of the current market capitalization. Against this backdrop, Sembcorp Marine share price plunged by as much as 28% after trading halt was lifted.

For sure, the twin announcements raised more questions than answers for investors. A few SG Wealth Builders had written in to request for my insights. Understandably, confidence was shaken for Sembcorp Marine share price. The management shot itself in the foot by announcing the massive rights issue together with the merger talks with KOM.

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Sembcorp Marine share price to sink or swim?


Will Sembcorp Marine share price sink or swim in the coming months? In 2021, the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations had led to gradual resumption of economic activities in various countries. While global economies had yet to recover to pre-pandemic levels, crude oil prices recently hit a 2-year high of US$73 per barrel. What is the implication of rising crude oil prices for local oil and gas stocks?

A long-time SG Wealth Builder member sought my insights on the recent recovery of crude oil prices and queried how this would affect SGX listed oil and gas stocks. The member did not specify any particular oil and gas stocks that he would like to cover, so I would share my views on Sembcorp Marine share price instead. This is because Keppel Corp and Sembcorp Marine are the top dogs in this sector. However, the former has announced its intention to exit the oil-rig building business to pivot in the renewable energy sector.

Source: Bullionstar

The second reason why I choose to analyze Sembcorp Marine share price is because I had a successful contra trade in this counter in April 2021.

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personal finance

Biggest myths about CPF Nomination

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP The Chinese has a saying “You come to this world with nothing, and you shall leave this world with nothing.” Death is an inevitable phase of life which everyone would have to go through. While your CPF savings certainly belong to yours, the ownership would cease upon death. This is a fundamental universal truth. However, being a responsible wealth builder, I believe in forward planning. In this article, I will share my thoughts on the biggest myths about CPF nomination.

In 2017, I have made my CPF nomination. The process was incredibly simple and easy. It is also free of charge. I was very impressed by CPF Board’s efficiency and service standard. Within three days, I got a follow-up call from a CPF officer confirming my nomination details were in order and within a week, I got an official letter from CPF Board.

CPF nomination

Will versus CPF nomination

The biggest myth about CPF monies is that you can make a will on it. Many Singaporeans are not aware that CPF savings are not covered under will. According to CPF Board website, CPF savings are not part of your estate. The policy intent is to protect from creditor claims on any outstanding debts.

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Wilmar share price in explosive meltdown

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a disaster for Wilmar share price. The wheel finally came off the wagon when Wilmar share price hit a 5-year high of $5.60 on 19 February 2021. Wilmar share price began to nose dive after crude palm oil (CPO) prices peaked at a record high of RM$4,400 per tonne in April 2021.

As of 17 June 2021, CPO price has plunged to a low of RM$3,377 per tonne. In view of this, there is further room for the correction of Wilmar share price. For sure, the train wreck of Wilmar share price caught many investors by surprise. Should investors run for their lives?

Wilmar share price

Wilmar is one of the largest oil palm plantation owners in Indonesia and Malaysia. As such, Wilmar share price is prone to the volatility of CPO prices. One of the driving factors for the surging CPO prices in 2021 is due to the huge demand for palm oil by India. In fact, palm oil exports from Malaysia to India rocketed 766% year-on-year from January to May 2021. However, due to the second COVID-19 wave in India, palm oil demand is expected to decline sharply in the coming months due to the lockdowns in the South Asia country.

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Sembcorp Industries share price in India nightmare

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP My last coverage on Sembcorp Industries share price was in February 2021. That was before the devastating second wave of COVID-19 infections took place in India. With a significant business exposure in India, what would be the impact levied on Sembcorp Industries share price? So far, the management had updated that its assets in Myanmar continued to be in operations despite the civil unrest. But there were no updates on the situation in India. On this note, investors have every reason to be concerned about Sembcorp’s India operations.

Sembcorp (SGX: U96) share price worth $4?

Sembcorp Industries share price gave me 37% return!

Sembcorp Industries share price

Given the situation in India, there are plenty of uncertainties for Sembcorp Industries share price. It doesn’t help that there are no business updates for the 1st quarter financial performance. The Group is not required to file quarterly results as SGX had ceased the quarterly financial reporting requirement. Without clarity on this significant downside risk, investors are left wondering how Sembcorp Industries will fare in the upcoming 1HFY2021 financial result.

Through Sembcorp Energy India Ltd (SEIL), Sembcorp Industries has $1.57 billion worth of ownership interest in India. SEIL has wind, solar and thermal power assets (P1 and P2).

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Sarine Tech share price to do an iFAST?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Diamond, diamond, in the sky. Who’s the shiniest of them all? The raging form of iFAST has set many SGX technology stocks on fire, and Sarine Tech share price is one of those riding on the current wave. For perspective, the counter has surged by 45% since the start of the year. While Sarine Tech share price is still some way off the record high of $3.20 seen in 2014, its current share performance is impressive given the current market condition.

A loyal supporter of SG Wealth Builder wrote in to seek my insights on the outlook of Sarine Tech share price, so I feel obliged to write a balanced view on this counter. As I have mentioned before, my investment philosophy is that there are no good or bad stocks. In the stock market, there are only good or bad strategies. It is possible that investors make money out of risky stocks. Conversely, many seasoned investors have lost their pants investing in purportedly “safe” stocks like Hyflux and Eagle Hospitality Trust.

Sarine Tech share price

Before I share my view on Sarine Tech share price, let’s do a brief company background. Firstly, Sarine does not sell diamonds. Instead, the Israel company provides smart solutions throughout the entire diamond value chain, spanning from upstream (miners) to rough diamond polishing (mid-stream) to grading and trading (downstream).

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DBS Group Holdings share price at record high!

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Has DBS Group Holdings share price fulfilled its destiny? On 14 April, I wrote that DBS Group Holdings share price could smash past $30 following the release of the first quarter business update. Indeed, DBS Group Holdings share price did not fail to disappoint investors. Recently, the counter hit the record high of $30 on the back of a stellar financial result.

For perspective, the Group’s first-quarter 2021 net profit doubled from the previous quarter and increased 72% from a year ago to $2.01 billion. Thus, the buoyant form of DBS Group Holdings share price is not unexpected. To put the icing on the cake, it was the first time that DBS’ quarterly earnings crossed $2 billion. The solid financial result is amazing given that global economy is still in the doldrum amid the global pandemic crisis. Question now is: where would DBS Group Holdings share price go from here?

DBS Group Holdings share price

DBS share price (SGX: D05) bottomed out?

DBS Group Holdings riding the storm

DBS Group Holdings share price & Piyush Gupta

Since November 2020, DBS Group Holdings share price basically went on a rampage. The counter surged from $21 to the current $30. The roll-out of COVID-19 vaccination had ignited hopes of a global economic recovery in 2021.

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OCBC share price to test $15?

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP What a boisterous form for OCBC share price! In my previous article, I shared that OCBC share price could be on fire with the release of the first quarter financial result. Indeed, OCBC did not fail to deliver. Group net profit for 1QFY2021 of $1.50 billion was significantly higher than the $698 million a year ago.

But then again, Man proposes, God disposes. All local bank stocks, including OCBC share price, suffered a correction following news of the first COVID-19 case at Changi Airport. Since then, the growing number of infections linked to Changi Airport has turned it into the largest cluster in 2021. Against this backdrop, the narrative for OCBC share price turned sombre. From $12.60 on 10 May, OCBC share price tanked to $11.70 on 14 May. In this regard, volatility remains the name of the game for OCBC share price.

OCBC share price to surge with 70% profit jump?

OCBC share price in new dawn

OCBC share price

It certainly seems that the proverbial “sell in May and go away” syndrome is in play even as COVID-19 continues to rage in various countries. But the blip for OCBC share price did not last long as the Group embarked on an aggressive shares buyback mission to rescue OCBC share price.

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