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How to Make Money with SEO in 2020

SEO might be a familiar word for you but have you ever wondered what it is? How does it work? How can you make money with SEO?

The last question may be of more interest but first, let’s see what is SEO. It stands for search engine optimization. It is a marketing strategy that is used to keep your website visible on search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

Search engines do not know which website I to show first in search results or which website has more credible and relevant content. These are SEO tools that allow the search engine to rank a website based on how responsive and user friendly a website is with more traffic.


You can get SEO services from many companies and can check from SEO Singapore and other services.

SEO generates more backlinks for a website to enhance its credibility. They recommend the keywords that are mostly used by internet users within a search query. These are a few examples of how SEO increased traffic and make a website more visible for search engines.

Check out this blog to see why SEO are so important for a website. SEO works for websites but it also works for you. There are multiple ways in which you can earn decent money with SEO. The most interesting thing is that you can do this from your home.

Let’s have a brief look at how you can earn money from SEO in 2020.


Use Social Media


If you have SEO knowledge and experience, you can earn a reasonable amount every month by offering your services at social media. You can start by expanding your social circle and search for the relevant groups or pages on social media.

There is no doubt that a lot of businesses and individuals are looking for such services on social media. You will have a bright opportunity to make a deal and start earning money for doing search engine optimization for them.


This is probably the best way to earn money online by offering your services. There are several freelancing websites available online. There are thousands of businesses and individuals, looking for people who can do SEO for them. These are the most trusted platforms that make sure that you get your reward after providing the services.

Another thing from which you can get the advantage of these websites is that these sites are full of people offering their services who do not know anything or their skills are not up to date. It will provide you with an opportunity to stand out of the crowd by providing reliable and quality services.


Give Reviews in Videos


Another way to earn money quickly is by getting affiliate sales from doing reviews of different products and making videos of them. You can get the latest information on products which are in trend and get the specifications and features of those products easily. Next thing you need to do is to make a review, shot the video and launch it on YouTube.

There will be two things that will happen. First of all, you will get money for views as these kinds of videos go viral quickly. Next thing is that the product owner will reach out to you and can ask for a link on your video to sell the product. You will get a commission for every sale and product owner will get increased traffic and sales.


Ad Revenue


If you have a website or blog with a lot of visitors or readers, you can earn money by posting ads on your website or blog for others. The businesses will reach out to you and you can place an ad on your site and whoever clicks on that ad will be routed to another website.

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