
How to make money from stock market crashes

There are many financial analysts or economists out there who like to brag their abilities in predicting bear market trends or stock market crashes. If you know any of them, avoid them at all cost because the matter of fact is that nobody can predict the future accurately. Timing the market is like trying to predict the winning lottery numbers, which is not possible. Notwithstanding this, it is still possible to make money from stock market crashes.

Many years ago, when I started investing in stocks, one of my ex-colleagues shared with me an invaluable wisdom on the stock market dynamics. Whether you like it or not, the big boys, so called “the whales” dominate the market. You have to avoid or ride with them at all cost because the whales are typically players with deep pockets or institutional investors who can influence the market direction. If retail investors are not careful, they can be swallowed up by the whales easily and lose monies.

As a wealth builder, I always believe that everyone deserves a second chance in building wealth during stock market crashes. It does not matter whether you are a newbie or experienced trader. To be a successful investor, you must have the commitment to learn and not to give up on yourself. Being defeated by the market is not the end of the world. What matters more is whether you can pick yourself up and move on from where you fall. Ask yourself when is the last time you did something for yourself and what you need to learn in order to reach your financial destination.

Contrary to what many people thought, investing can be really lonely. It can even be painful when you lose huge amount of monies and end up learning nothing from your losses. As a result. many people just give up investing altogether because they cannot find the support and guidance. The society can be very cold because nobody will share with you the secret of making money. After all, nobody owes you a living.

To this end, SG Wealth Builder is pleased to join force with Dave, founder of Smart Passive Cash Flow and See How I Trade. Like Dave, I am passionate about investing and sharing my investing knowledge. That was one of the key motivations in starting this blog. Dave also believes in building wealth with gold and silver bullion. However, Dave has a special ability which I lack – the knack to spot big boys’ movements in the derivative markets. This means that he is able to even make monies during stock market crashes.

When he send me two videos showing how he shorted Yahoo and STI since last year, I was totally blown off. Clearly this is a guy who knows his stuff very well and you don’t mess around with him. Of course he don’t have the ability to predict the stock market but he is able to spot the big boys’ movements and ride with the whales. With this special talent, he is able to make monies from market corrections. Currently, Dave is offering VIP Trader Membership in his blog.

Members can enjoy the below exclusive privileges:

1) Dave’s Daily Potential Trades

2) Dave Daily Trend Analysis

3) Dave’s Spotting of Big Boy’s Movement

4) Dave’s Weekly Trend Analysis

5) Dave’s Weekly Dow Component Analysis

6) Dave’s Recent Trade Summary

7) Strategies to use in different situations

8) Entries, Stop Loss and Targets

9) Exclusive Articles of unique movements

10) Wealth eBooks specially written for VIP Traders

SG Wealth Builder: See How I Trade

SG Wealth Builder: See How I Trade

For just USD60 per month, you can have a powerful investment tool that can help to level up your investing prowess. To get the discount subscription of USD49, remember to quote discount code: sgwealthbuilder“. By investing this small amount of money, investors can benefit from Dave’s analyses, his strategies and how to set stop loss.

When it comes to spending monies on sharpening investment knowledge, I know the perennial thinking is that you can do it alone and that there are a lot of free resources in the internet, so there is no need to sign up for exclusive memberships. But just think about it, cheap things don’t come good and good things don’t come cheap. There is no free lunch in this world and nobody owes you a living. Sometimes, in order to get ahead of the competition, you have to spend a little premium to get that edge above the rest. If you ask me, this amount of membership fee is definitely worth it. After all, what can you do with USD49 a month? Instead of wasting it on movies or food, why not invest it on yourself so that you can make even much more money?

So start educating yourself in the art of making money and master the analysis skill on reading the game. Enjoy the ride and have fun.

Magically yours,

SG Wealth Builder

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